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Posts posted by louddifference

  1. I believe they twitch (set) the output thrust of each engines. In percentages. Example Mainsails 50% means you will full throttle at 750kns instead of 1500kns.
    Yeah that was C7. One of the engines had the thrust tweaked to balance it. Try it out in the VAB... with the Center of Thrust marker shown.

    thanks guys i was wondering how he did it since i tuned in as he was hovering and i didn't get to hear how he did it.

  2. kind of spoiler

    what doesn't make sense to me is that the shuttle and ISS both have the perfect inclination and orbital times to be hit by the cloud. like thats a 1 in a million chance givin how much space there is in LEO

  3. i know the title says im a noob but i dont really think i am. ive been playing ksp for the last 2 and a half years and have gone to the mun and minmus. i have docked and built a station in orbit around kerbin and the mun and have a mun base. the only other planet ive been to is duna and with the debug menu.

    so if anyone has any good tips and/or ships to help me go to duna for the first legit time any help would be appreciated!

  4. ive been thinking about this for a bit and wondering why a space program that just started could know thee positions of every planet in the solarsystem. i think once missions are implemented there should be things were you put together a space telescope and then you now know the exact orbit of a planet or 2.

    mission 1: test launch rocket with abort

    2: get to orbit(you discover minmus(since you can see it from kerbin)

    then later you build a (not so great) space telescope and discover eve and duna.

    in interplanitary space you see jool and focus scanners on it and discover jool.

    what do you guys think of a planetary discovery system like this?

  5. so ive been playing career mode for a while now and ive wonder if a science bay that holds info and sample separate from the science bay that made them could be put in.

    it would be used so when you finish testing one area of say the mun you can then launch only the container back to kerbin with a launch system and them recover it without having to bring the hole ship home and recover to launch again.

    what do you guys think about this kind of part?

  6. since right now when you take a eva report or surface sample you cant transmit since your suit doesnt have anything to transmit with. what about having a suit upgrade in the tech tree so you can?

    we could even take it a step further and make different suits for different jobs like: suit with parachute, suit with radio to transmit your findings, suit with extra eva feul. suit with extra room for samples,

    what do you guys think about this idea?

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