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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. is this ready to go now for .25? also can anyone send me either by link here or by PM the text file with a all mechjeb options ready at either start or basic tech, i tried it my self but it wont work for some reason, mechjeb unit just disapears altogether when changing it.
  2. OMFG THANKS SO MUCH MAN, IT WORKS! FINALY LOL wasted so many hours trying to get it to work but it just wouldnt lol i give u a thumbs up!
  3. i tried that it didnt work i need a working configured cfg file everytime i do it the ar202 disapears and i cant find it its there stock cfg configured its gone WTH! some one help plz
  4. I have doen that and the mech jeb case just dissapers and i cant find it its there in flight control as defualt then altered its gone i even tried with it on the basic reaserch tech and its not there it just keeps dissapering and i have no idea why? hence why i asked for a working cfg cause i just cant get it to work? also its the new mechjeb 2.1 if that helps and i only have the ar202 not the pod i dont liek the eye thing lol
  5. can someone post a downloadable cfg file for the ar202 so i can use it with out needing to research it at the start of tech tree i spent like 5 hours reading and testing and editing the damned thing in note pad trying to get it to work but it just wont show up in game? and i just want mechjeb to fly my rockets and all that so i can sit bak and watch it do all the work plz
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