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Everything posted by Hanoj

  1. Hello! About two years ago, I had lost interest in the game, and uninstalled it. Fast forward to now, I saw the demo for KSP on steam and wanted to give another crack of the whip! How do you recommend getting back into the game, knowing nothing of its development for two years?
  2. I agree taking pictures of planets/moons should earn you more money.
  3. 1. Yes, this would also be handy for quick-saves. 2. As tempted as I am to say "there's a mod for this", I would like this to be vanilla.
  4. Sorry, I saw "multiplayer" in the title and thought "again!? No multiplayer!!!"
  5. The current explosions in-game are (most likely) place holders, and when better explosions are implemented, how do you think they should be like? I think they should be a combination of the old (13.0) and current explosions.
  6. This would be hard to calculate, but if SQUAD implemented this it would make reentry much more accurate.
  7. I honestly think there should be no endgame. It is a sandbox game.
  8. After doing a 5 minute burn to dres, I wondered if I could speed up time ever with the engines firing.
  9. Maybe instead just atomic engines getting new bigger fairings, all 1 meter engines should get a 2 meter fairing.
  10. Um, weekly. It's Wednesday.
  11. I do think that a repair mechanics should be implemented, however I don't think you should be able to tape parts together
  12. After reading your post again, I now see what you originally had in mind. I miss read it and thought career mode would be half focused on money and profit.
  13. While I do think this is is a cool idea, I feel the complexity of balancing money, science and engineering points would turn career mode mode into a tycoon type game instead of building and launching rockets.
  14. And if, say one fuel tank explodes in stack of fuel tanks, they will all explode in a chain reaction.
  15. In real life, when something explodes on a rocket, everything explodes. However, in game, parts are only destroyed if they collide with something or overheat. This is not realistic, but makes the game easier. How do you think it should be done?
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