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Everything posted by KlumsyK

  1. You guys are not going to appreciate this but here is what. Why are you guys letting 3d modelers have a field day and make everything all realistic and nondescript? I enjoyed the game more when i first got it! You are losing the simplicity and charm of the original concept! The updates are inexorably pulling towards an unartistic escalation of detail with no design. The new buildings have no character, even though they have all those tiny prickly details and little lights. Whoopty-doo! The new Mun is very impressive with that high res bump and the darker color but the old Mun was more FUN! With it's bright surface and somewhat cartoony craters. Are you trying to cater to an audience who you expect to be into science and not care about art? I dont know. You could have just called it Space Program Simulator and have crappy photo textures everywhere like those horrid 90's games when they first started to do 3d; and the astronauts just be random human dudes of normal proportions. Is the creative lead different? Is that whats going on? Look Im' sorry if this is pissing you off. Or maybe you think i'm a rude foolish troll. I could lavish compliments upon the team, sure, no problem: it's an amazing thing you have made, you all know that, and I've recommended it to all my friends. I really like the game and I just dont wanna see it become ugly and it's consistent design disintegrate into ... a design by community type look where there is no art direction or restraint. Kerbals should have ships and houses and roads designed by Kerbals, with all the pertaining wacky niftitude. But then they function in a scientifically sophisticated way. That's what I thought the idea was, no?
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