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  1. I rolled back the video driver and it loaded properly. I then upgraded the video driver again and it still worked. I assume something went wonky with the update last week. I appreciate all the responses for help.
  2. These are only things I can think of that have changed on my system since KSP last loaded successfully. 1. KSP update 2. Minor Windows 10 update from last Tuesday 3. Updated NVIDIA drivers I'm going to try rolling back the NVIDIA drivers today. As a test I may uninstall the Windows 10 update but that would just be a temporary test as I don't want to run with the OS not using the latest updates.
  3. Sorry, I should have mentioned this in the original post. The 64 bit version crashes with the same error.
  4. It's also crashes with a clean install and no mechjeb.
  5. I appreciate the quick reply. As mentioned in my post I already verified the game file integrity. The only mod I had was mechjeb. I removed that when I did the clean install. Neither of those made any difference.
  6. KSP recently started crashing at startup. I've been running it without issue for a long time. I did have a Windows 10 update and a NVIDIA update since I ran it last. So far I've tried verifying game file integrity and a clean reinstall with no luck. This is a MSI gaming system with 32GB of memory so that shouldn't be an issue. I've been running for a couple of years without issue. Memory diagnostics show no problems. Error log follows. Memory shows up as 0MB in log which is odd. error.log :
  7. Dropped a probe onto (or guess into would be more appropriate). What was interesting is that my altitude steadily decreased down to about 100 and the area directly below the probe went black. At some point below 100 altitude began increasing again and got up to somewhere around 300 when the probe finally exploded, or perhaps imploded. Got some good science out of it as I was continually grabbing data and transmitting during the descent. Not sure why the altitude started to increase unless it had allowed me to pass through the planet. I also noticed that at some point Jool became somewhat transparent and I could see the moons that were on the other side.
  8. I've got a Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin right now with no fuel or power left. Ran out of fuel during my final retrograde burn after a visit to the Mun. I just finished constructing a unmanned rescue ship that has a "net" built from structural girders and struts (I don't have any docking ports yet in career mode). I plan to send this ship up, sync orbits, then capture the capsule in the net and perform a retrograde burn with the rescue ship.
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