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Everything posted by Clockwork_werewolf

  1. Basic Test (can't even remeber) BTSM-DeadlyFarTac (better than starting manned with deadly reentry, feram aerospace, Thunder life support) Clockwork_Challange (trying to do tech tree in three lanuches) Clockwork_Industries (can't even remember) Clockwork_Scientist (first career save for 0.22) Clockwork_ScientistMK2 (second career save for 0.23 update) Clockwork_wolf (very first game and sandbox. very messy save file) ClockworkModed (beta testing modded parts) ClockworkMODTest (alpha testing modded parts) DeadlyFarTac (deadly reentry, feram aerospace, Thunder life support without BTSM) Historical (testing a tech tree reorder to be more historically accurate) Insane test (no idea) Tough test (again no idea, maybe I should clean some of these up)
  2. My suggestion would be first play with the career mode up until you have unlocked 2-8 tech nodes, this should give you a feel for the parts and what they do. Then play sandbox for a while and just try strapping huge engines and stuff together. I took ages to discover that engines only explode when the heat bar is totally full. Multi-couplers like quad couplers and tri-couplers are likely to make engines over heat because they seems to pump the heat into the other engines. Don't use them if you have heat problems. For orbit you want to go up till the air thins (you will never get orbit speed otherwise) at about 10k. Then go 45 degrees till your AP is at about 60k then go fully sideways until your AP is at 70k. Then wait until you are near the AP and burn again to make your orbit round. Also don't try going too fast in low atmosphere, going above 163m/s below 5k is wasting fuel trying to force air out the way. In the end just enjoy making crazy contraptions in sandbox that's how I learned. There is no money so computing power is the only restriction.
  3. I kind of got the feeling the goo was bacterial life but I could be wrong. Considering most of the experiments have return values (that you can stuff in a command pod), there is already value to returning your Kerbals and their pods. BUT I do like this idea as a random goal somewhere in the system. Although maybe it should be restricted to the harder to get planets so that one player doesn't find it on EVE and another finds it on the Mun.
  4. This has mostly been said by the above posters but I thought I would post just so you can see it written many ways for clarity. 1. Obviously both ships need the same sized docking ports. 2. One ship at least should have RCS thrusters and hopefully these will be balanced with the center of gravity so it doesn't turn while you try and move is sideways. Took me a while to get this at it can be a subtle but annoying effect. 3. The lower the orbit the faster you go around. Counter intuitive but that's orbital mechanics. 4. Click the slower ship as the target while flying the faster/lower ship. 5. You will see an AN and ON green nodes. Click on the first of these you will hit and make a node. Adjust the purple inclination maneuver nodes until the AN and ON read 0.0 of NAN. 6. Make the burn. You are now orbiting in the same plane. 7. Wait till the lower orbit/faster ship is a bit behind the higher ship about 20-5 degrees or about 2 hours to half and hour if looking at it as a clock. Then make a maneuver node for the lower/faster ship so that the purple or orange markers line up. You will see that one purple is target at interception and the other is closest interception. You want these to be the same, and colour must be matched with colour. Anything within about 5k is OK but closer is better. 8. Make the first burn. 9. Now add a second maneuver node at the interception point, with this node line up your orbit with the second orbit so that when you burn you will have identical orbits and be very near the other craft. 10. Make the burn. 11. You should now be floating near the other craft and not moving very fast relative to it. It should be selected and be green in the real world (Kerbin real world) view. Your speed indicator should now show target speed but this doesn't show if you are moving towards it or away. Burn towards the other ship a bit. 12. Turn both ships so that their docking port is facing the other ship. 13. You want to approach slowly 10m/s or less at 1k separation, about 1m/s at 200m, 0.5m/s at 100, 0.2-0.1 at 50 meters. You will want to turn on RCS and docking control. Try to get your prograde marker to be over the target marker (pink symbol I think). 14. As you get closer go back to step 12 every so often. Repeat 12 and 13 until you touch docking ports. 15. You should now be docked. If not then I wrote something wrong, missed something or you didn't follow a step right, I don't know
  5. This is a really good idea and actually should be fairly easy to produce with just a .cfg modification. You would have to add MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = Normal secondaryEngineID = Afterburner } Then change the present engine and add a second for it, but no model or code work should be needed. The after burner cold have increases fuel usage and heat production making long term usage bad but helping you to get that extra boost when you need it.
  6. Heh that sounds like about half of the worlds bug fixes, I'm sure you will realise later or have something else break later. Well done though, "if it's stupid but works, it's not stupid". Why are you trying to move Kerbin after loading by the way? Are you making it move weirdly after game start? It seems like a strange but interesting problem.
  7. Just a quick note, this is NOT a suggestion thread for the Devs. This is just a hypothetical question out of personal interest. This is also not a mod suggestion thread. I know that about 90% of the things suggested here are included in mods but some people don't use mods. This is really just for interest and to see what people think when limited to one item.
  8. Aramcheck: What would you have an Electromagnet be for? is it to dock ships, pick up objects or some other strange use like a rail gun system for accelerating ships? I would defiantly use a cargo bay though I think as blspblackdeath said a hinge might be more useful. Nice answers everyone, it's interesting to see what people pick and why and we are getting a good range of objects too.
  9. Thanks Blizzy78, I think I now understand what he is asking. You are making a mod to move the planet Kerbal (not a single Kerbal or Kerbal ship). In doing this, any new ships you launch, launch from the empty spot in space where you moved the planet from. I would suggest looking at the code of another planetary mod if no one reply's to this problem. I have no experience with moving planets. Also try making your "i"'s capital, without it I assume you are not English and using a translation program, and I have dyslexia so I'm not really a big grammar man but this still shows up to me.
  10. If you could add just one extra part into the game what would it be? It can be form a mod but it must only be ONE part not one set of parts. It can have any function you like. This is just out of interest and curiosity. Do not take this as a wish list to send to squad and don't argue over existing parts. I only ask for one part because we all have a list of 5 to 100 parts we might like but its more interesting to think what is the ONE most important part of that list and that can work on its own.
  11. I think even with loss in conversion the trading should not be between players due to the late game. Once a player has completed the science tree and got a high enough reputation to get all they can with it (whatever that will be) then REP and SCI become quite worthless to them except as trade. The online trades would end up with lots of cheap science and rep. This wold be fine except that new players will not have SCI, REP or money but old players with be only wanting money and never buying SCI or REP. If the new players were kept in a bubble then yes they might trade small amount between themselves but bubbling them is hard and sort of removes the point. There could also be a way for new players to repeat an easy contract for money but this leads to the worst sort of grinding. Imagine not doing any science but just launching 20 of the same launch into orbit over and over again. Not the game I want to play. Letting the player trade with the computer (at a loss per transaction between 50-5%) is fine though as this might let them get the extra funding for a protect or turn a big commercial launch into a little extra SCI.
  12. Heh I never use any delta-v calculators. I mostly don't use any mods (tried some but they never stuck). I have nothing against people who do use calcs but for me part of the fun is not KNOWING whether a design will work or not. The thrill of trying to judge if it will make orbit, if it will get stuck in a Sun orbit due to missing fuel, if it will run out trying to land on an atmosphereless body. I think it depends what you find fun and I very much understand and respect if you like to know it will at least reach orbit.
  13. I literally have no idea what you are asking about. Different orbit meaning another planet's orbit or a different orbit inclination? Erm, what? Do you mean you have http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-0-23-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v3-6?highlight=launchpad or that the game bugs and sends your ship to space, or strange things happen when you EVA, or that stage separation doesn't happen right in orbit? Unless you have Extraplanetary-Launchpads, the launch position will always be the same, unless you tilt the whole ship on the launchpad. I have no idea what needs solving... Unless you mean that maneuver nodes disappear when you go EVA and this is what you mean by launching?
  14. I think the point is you can use this to see what the light will illuminate and if it is pointing straight.Yea all lights start a bit off centre about 10-15 degrees I think, so yea turn sideways rotate 2 or three times and rotate back for it to shine straight up or down. Useful if you want just one to point forwards or backwards for docking.
  15. Firstly about the Unmanned ship getting remanned every time, I wish I knew a way to do this. I will often send a ship to launch, check everything doesn't break then send it straight back to put the whole crew in because I forgot to tell it I wanted 3 crew. Again. Like last launch. And the one before that. I would say the most important parts to remember with any ship are 1. Keep it at the right speed 2. The space engines should be efficient not powerful 3. Each stage should be a bit or a lot smaller than the last. 1. This is hard but I suggest the kerbal space program wiki's page on Kerbin. You want to be going at 100m/s on launch (impossible but worth getting near) So bottom most stage can have very little thrust but LOTS of thrust to weight. In your ship I would suggest more small SRB's on the bottom stage. They should burn fast get you to 90-120m/s then the trust should fall so that its only accelerating a bit and hitting about 120m/s @ 2K 140m/s@5k or something near that (I forget the exact numbers). It is strange but it will greatly help with efficiency and save fuel and therefore size. 2.Easy enough to do make sure space engines are the little ones, though I think I can just see in the picture this is right. 3.You have some stages that are the same size as the one below, this does mean you get to drop their engine weight and empty tanks but the bottom one is trying to lift the full tanks and an extra engine. This is a hard balance to get and I still struggle with it sometimes.
  16. I love Minmus too, I love that little guy. Now he has biomes he's a proper moon and well worth my station lab around him. Also he's just so MINTY!
  17. I once Tried to build a ship to go to Duna and back only launching parts with an SSTO. The SSTO could only launch 13 ton parts and it is hard to make a part that has control, power, RCS, Thrust and 2 docking ports while also having a purpose. Eventily after 4 parts were added the kracken attacked and each part decided to go off at 5K/s in a different direction. I eventually made an SSTO that could launch 30 tons parts but I didn't dare test the kracken again.
  18. You don't need to be a banker to tell if the banks are doing well. Until they aren't and go bust or need bale outs. except well you sort of do.The Falkirk wheel doesn't look like it should work or is real but it is. But the I-35W Mississippi River bridge looked fine before it suddenly collapsed. If they were then they would have much less time to be critics. Though I admit there are some.You don't need to be programmer to not like the play style of a game, but you do to talk about the production times. Its fine to complain about the taste of the food, but not about the cake taking more than 5 minutes to cook from scratch. If you are not a cook how can you know it takes longer? You just know you are not happy that it isn't on your plate.
  19. Boxman that is an opinion I can respect, I disagree but I respect your opinion. The problem is that the "make one yourself" is required to tell if they "do their jobs well". You did state this is an opinion though so no hate here.
  20. Well there are many of us and quite obviously there are not many topics we are all unified on. Do we have an impact on them? Well certainly not as much as some people might like, but it is hard to say in the long run. Quite a lot of the implemented items were in mods or desired by players. Do I want more control over where the game is going? No I don't, not unless they greatly diverged from their present path. It was obviously a mistake to describe the situation as being like a patronage, I still feel it has enough similarity to justify my statement but since is seems to have been taken literally, I will say that it has a few similarity to patronage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patronage I know some art patrons, but they are not a single patron paying a single artist, they are multiple patrons giving to one artist and what they require in return is to see the art usually at a slightly reduced rate. Not at all at odds with capitalism, and what does capitalism that have to do with this? Also economic equality and capitalism are really not good bedfellows. Maybe a relaxing of schedules and deadlines MIGHT SLOWLY spawn more great artists. What we are talking about is whether squad is making use of their time and our money, the enforcement of deadlines is fairly linked to this discussion.
  21. If I hadn't said then yes I would be comparing them to DaVinci. I would not rate DaVinci as 7/10, I would say he was 9/10 or 10/10. Squad is a patroned artist, we have given them money up front and they are delivering the product. They are also a business but the lines are blurred. And I'm saying maybe we should let it fly a bit more in order to have more DaVinci's and less office workers.
  22. That's NOT A GOOD THING! I think it was £15 here but yea
  23. 626 Hours logged by steam. Started with the steam game never used not steam. No mods installed so almost no time away from the chair actively playing.
  24. To quote a new site http://news.softpedia.com/news/Call-of-Duty-Ghosts-Metacritc-User-Review-Score-Bombed-by-Angry-Fans-397930.shtml A game as big as Call of Duty with this much this much hype can still keep 1000 obsessional players on-line even if this is only 0.01% of the people who bought the game. I was very clear in saying that I had heard NOTHING about Kerbal space program. I had not heard about it from friends, I had not seen posters, I had not seen TV adverts, I had not seen You Tube Adverts, I had not seen magazine adverts. I have seen Call of duty adverts in all of these places (except from my friends, they don't play it). Great, Lovely. But they are not overhauling a game. They are not recreating a game that already exists. There is no manual for the finished game that they can look at and see what is missing from their version back in time. You do not have to make parts that have never existed in the entire universe before. I did computer science at university, it I was writing for a company making a data base then I could well predict the time it would take, I would give costs and schedules and be on time. Making a game is NOT the same its more like paint a picture. Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as one of the best painters in the world and yet he did not do things on time. I would like to make it clear that I would like Squad to work faster, I would like them to add more content and I might even say that they could work 20% faster if pushed but I'm pretty sure we would get more of this Am I a fanboy who thinks they are perfect? Well I don't think so but do I think they are about 7/10 and that's good enough for me and the small amount of money I paid.
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