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Everything posted by CannonFodder_833

  1. This is awesome and soooo needed. Keep it up - there are a LOT of IVAs around and not around that need your help!!!
  2. Codepoet - thank you for 1) producing the code and 2) maintaining it. You rule.
  3. um... I might be a blind idiot here - but I couldn't find Habitat Pack listed on/in the Community Mods and Plugins Library sticky post.... had to run a Google search. I really really really like this mod and it brings more to the table, in my opinion, than any other mod I can think of in terms of adding simple fun to the game. I really think it should be listed. ...and if it is and I somehow magically missed it - well, I'll be surprised and embarrassed.
  4. Note for KSP 23.5 Just a heads up.... not sure if it's been mentioned and I missed it... Connected Living Space v1.0.3.0 and Kerbal Hot Seat v1.0.0.0 do not get along and will cause an immediate CTD (Crash to Desktop) when the user goes to any craft if both are installed... CLS v1.0.0.0 and KHS v1.0.0.0 are compatible. KHS v1.0.0.0 includes CLS v1.0.0.0 in its zip file. I know that the two will not cause an immediate CTD, but did not test long enough to determine stability past 1 minute or so.
  5. Note for KSP 23.5 Just a heads up.... not sure if it's been mentioned and I missed it... Connected Living Space v1.0.3.0 and Kerbal Hot Seat v1.0.0.0 do not get along and will cause an immediate CTD (Crash to Desktop) when the user goes to any craft if both are installed... CLS v1.0.0.0 and KHS v1.0.0.0 are compatible. KHS v1.0.0.0 includes CLS v1.0.0.0 in its zip file. I know that the two will not cause an immediate CTD, but did not test long enough to determine stability past 1 minute or so.
  6. Yeah, but if they had bird strikes they'd need to add a river near the facility and a voice over a radio, in a THICK Jersey accent saying, "You're doing what?"
  7. I originally started running in winnowed mode so I could have the key mapping wiki visible at the same time. Of course, I now run in windowed mode primarily so I can easily multitask.
  8. Hello, I would like to suggest one more line of information to be displayed during time-warp operations prior to a node. Specifically, a countdown that shows the 'modified' amount of time (as perceived by the operator/gamer) until the next node is reached. I ask for this because I frequently have KSP running in the background throughout my day (not at a workplace - for those concerned). Often times, I will line up a maneuver and then return to my computer later (anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours) to execute that maneuver. I would find it extremely helpful to be able to set a time-warp factor and be able to know how long (in people time) it will be until my next maneuver node so that I can set an alarm or something and return later after running some errands, working on the lawn, or really, anything else. I threw together an example of what I was thinking of to help prevent confusion as to which data I'm asking for. It's below. ...Just a thought and thanks for your time, CannonFodder_833 (Steve)
  9. Okay, I've got a buddy who just started playing KSP and he's had a few questions here and there for me - and its bringing back some of my memories from when I just started. Specifically, the RCS and SAS functions. So, of course, neither he nor I tried the tutorials at first. I know, I know - they're there for a reason. Still, though, one of the things that would have made one of the first impressions of the game a bit nicer would have been the ability to activate the SAS via clicking on the 'SAS' light off of the NavBall (RCS would be nice for them too). I know, we all know better - being that I imagine anyone reading this has been playing for a while - but I do know it would make life easier for a minute or two for people who are new to the program. Just a thought, CannonFodder_833 (Steve)
  10. ...it would be handy if there were a way to identify parts that are already part of a vehicle. ...because sometimes I forget what I put on my rockets. (looked to see if this would be a repost - didn't find anything) Just sayin, CannonFodder_833 (Steve)
  11. ...but I suppose introducing myself is the polite thing to do, regardless. Lets see, I tried the free demo of the Kerbal Space Program after a post on Reddit brought me to the Kerbal Space Project sub-reddit. I started checking it out and I liked the demo so I bought the program. One of the things that intrigued me, aside from the game itself (which I love) is the fact that it is still in the development stages and I have an opportunity to help in its production. From game suggestions to de-bugging. Its just fun to be in at this stage I suppose and to imagine just how much more awesome it could become. Also, I've been messing around with it and enjoying the career mode. In fact, just yesterday, I managed to pull off a successful rescue mission... I stranded one of my kerbals in orbit and I was able to rescue not just him but his capsule too. ...then my five year old killed him. Tough luck I suppose. Regardless, I'm excited to post my mission-flag as my avatar (I still haven't gotten it to work in the game, but I haven't spent too much time on it) and I'm looking forward to participating in the Kerbal community. Sincerely, CannonFodder_833 (Steve) Mission flag for those who are curious:
  12. I realize that I'm late to the party here, but I just did a search to see if someone else had noticed the night/day issue. Something I also realized is that the VAB faces due East. Could there be an issue with the rising sun making vehicle assembly difficult - you know - blinding sun doing its... blinding thing? Just a thought ...for consideration. -Steve
  13. I didn't see any suggestions covering this in my thorough, 5-minute intensive review of the suggestion forms... Maybe, and I don't know here, but maybe it would be helpful to be able to create folders or directories for rocket designs? Just a thought I had while browsing through my list. I suppose it could create more clutter, but I was thinking it would be nice to have that as I was paging through my 20 or so designs - which are all variants of several core designs which intern are mission-type specific. I don't know, like I say, it could make things easier for me in when it comes to organizing my sprawling list of forgotten vehicles - or it could provide me with the means to turn a cluttered list into a function-orientated, toolbox of terror science... or a truly spectacular mess. Like I say, I don't know for sure - but I think it might make my life (and possibly the lives of others) easier when it comes to organizing my designs. Thanks for your time, CannonFodder_833 (Steve) i.e. Rocket A-x Rocket A-1 Rocket A-1 Manned Rocket A-2 Heavy Lift Probe X-1 Probe X-2 Probe Y-1 -> Orbital Rockets ââ€â€ Rocket A-x Rocket A-1 Probe X-1 Mun Rockets ââ€â€ Rocket A-1 Manned Rocket A-2 Heavy Lift Probe Y-1 Interplanetary Rockets ââ€â€ Probe X-2
  14. Hello, Summary: Area - Vehicle Assembly Building Subject - User Interface, Popup informational display. (figures 1 & 2, attached after signature) Currently - The popup informational display (PID) for parts appears immediately as the cursor rolls over the icons. Proposed - The PID would appear after 0.5 seconds (or so) of mouse cursor inactivity over an icon. Details: Figured I'd throw my two cents into the well here. I'd like to suggest a half second delay (after no mouse movement) to the popup informational display that appears when the mouse cursor rolls over a part on the left-hand margin (figure 1). Personally, I feel that it would make browsing through parts a bit more comfortable. Just my thoughts... Thanks for your time, - CannonFodder_833 figure 1 figure 2
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