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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for your answers. So, by the time you get to Jool, Version 0.35 would had just come out. LOL
  2. I have a probe going to Duna in real time, it says 28 days. Is that 28 days in earth days or Kerbing KSP game time?
  3. Hi, Im not sure if this questions has ever been made before, but I haven't read anywhere that anyone is send a space craft to duna without warping. Has anybody done that and how long will it take to get from Kerbin to Duna in normal time?
  4. Done, thank you. I was downloading the DSL Pandora files from spaceport and for some reason it has the old version. I got the right version now. Thanks, I am planning of doing a Pandora - Duna video now that I have the Atlas-Centaur and the new capsule. Thanks
  5. I still can't fit the pandora capsule opside down to fit on the upper stage like you have it in your picture. I downloaed the latest version that says It can be attached like that but it still can t be fitted like that. What am I doing wrong. PS, that version you have is smaller and can fit into the fairing of the Atlas. where can I get it ?
  6. I am trying to assemble to DSL Pandora but, the cruise stage wont attach to the Centaur upper stage up correctly the space craft will only couple heatshield first. is there a way you can make the cruise stage fit first on the upper stage just like it does in the actual Centaur/Curiosity configuration?
  7. How about this Atlas? I have it on an old version, it can be used in the new version but the engines won't fire.
  8. Here's your Delta with the Polar Lander in the Aeroshell
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