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Posts posted by DrMonte

  1. I don't see how Linux edition could show better performance than Windows. Unity is running under some emulation mode in Linux (like wine). See here for details: http://unity3d.com/unity/system-requirements.

    Though you might fall into those minor cases where wine works faster than Windows. First check your disk partition configurations (fragmentation lagging), memory usage (Windows takes more ram), background services (Antivirus?), etc.

  2. I've came to conclusion that LF Asparagus lifter price is comparable with somewhat 70% recoverable SSTO. So saving my own time I ditched SSTO's. (Plane SSTO's is a different topic and they are for small payloads.)

    Asparagus is a design. It does not refer to Liquid Fuel. Using SRB's can make you SRB Asparagus. It is very difficult to work with SRB's in upper stages and I doubt if they suit for the heavy lifters.


    1. Stable rover. Low center of mass. Wide and long wheel base.

    2. SAS. Is not your friend while driving. Switch it off / use different keys / switch to docking mode. SAS is helpful when you tip over (I don't fly with rovers, so I wouldn't say in flight).

    3. Wheel tweaks. It might be helpful to switch of steering and/or torgue of rear wheels.

    4. "CapsLock". Use careful controls in fast driving.

    5. SpeedTime. Most interesting thing! Rovers are more stable when time is accelerated. Use x2, x3 often.


  4. What I might suspect related to driving:

    Forces of SAS rotation might be much higher than forces of the wheels steering. That is why your wheels rotates to the correct side but the rover to the other.

    Local solution would be to use tweak-able and invert steering on wheels. Those having inverted steering everywhere.

    Otherwise redesign in SHP is required. Simply placed command module points to the sky, those not very helpful for the rover.

  5. Option 1 - have the satellite follow the exact same orbit around Kerbin as Mun does, except outside of Mun's SoI.

    Option 2 - have the satellite orbit Mun such that it's orbital period matches the time it takes for Mun to orbit Kerbin - you'd have to do the Maths on that one, though, and I'm not sure it's possible.

    In either case, you won't get it perfect, but it should be close enough to work for a good while.

    Yep the first option is most likely and quite easy to do.

  6. Try moving your drop tanks 45* in relation to the Goo Canisters directly above two of them. Testing has shown that they are being hit by the drop tanks flying upwards which is what is destroying your ship. Testing also shows sideways tumbling of full tanks at launch while empty ones fly almost straight up when near space. Seems all the radical decouplers are suffering from the upward force bug.

    Why not 90º?

  7. That's my way of docking too. Only I do not use any mods at all.

    There was a time when I didn't mount RCS at all for the ships below 30t. Now I put a bit of propellant for a final slowdown thrust.

    One more hit: when the docks lock on magnetic connection but ships do not dock because of wrong angle you keep easy thrust forward and carefully correct the angle. Both ships will rotate and dock.

  8. Okay so I have tried to reach the target specs on the way up but it doesn't seem possible. With a single RT-10 solid fuel booster I cannot get enough speed before I get to the correct altitude. With three together I can reach the correct altitude and speed together but then there is no way of turning them off when the parachute fires so even though all the conditions are met it is not recognized as a successful test. I am assuming that is because the boosters are still firing while the parachute is deployed.

    Then I switched to using liquid rocket fuel and engines but regardless of how many I use I always reach the correct height before the correct speed and just as I reach the correct speed I exceed the height. How can I accelerate faster without also shortening the time it takes to get to the correct altitude?

    1. Use "tweaking" to remove fuel from boosters. Those making them lighter, cheaper and faster.

    2. Test must be performed on staging - by pressing "space bar". Did you do that?

  9. I am still early on in the game trying to complete some of the parts testing missions. Right now I am trying to test the parachute but I cannot get all the requirements at the same time. It has to be fired off between 4500 and 5900 metres, and between speeds of 250 and 680 m/s. I don't get it. Every time I try my pod has slowed down to under 250 m/s by the time it reaches 5900 metres. The capsule is basically a conical tin can. Surely it should be speeding up as it falls, not slowing down? What am I doing wrong?

    4500-5900 metres, and speeds of 250-680 m/s. This looks like putting parachute on Solid RT-10.

    Going straight down you'll get full refund for the parts.

    Remember that the TEST has nothing to do with real flight! You just got lucky if you were able to combine the contracts.

    Seriously for atmospheric parts tests you usually build a 100% reusable plane. Accept ~5 part test contracts, launch, perform all at various heights and speeds, land at KSC Runway.

  10. 1 means you stand in place.

    >2 on Kerbin means you move too fast fighting atmosphere.

    Best option is 2 but...

    When you burn fuel in tank your rocket gets lighter and your TWR increases. So if your initial TWR was 1.8 the final might be 3.0. That is more obvious with bigger parts than with small ones. For example with KR-1x2 you can start with TWR 1.2 and end up with 6.

    Bigger TWR is no big deal on airless bodies. You should keep >=2 there.

  11. I'm not using mods at all and I'm pretty happy about it.

    There are two options to decrease startup time:

    1. Upgrade your hardware. SSD disk will boost the performance for sure, 4GB of RAM is minimum requirement.

    2. Use texture redux mods. They will reduce the startup time and increase performance in casual flight.

    The option about fewer mods might be more customizable. You can delete only the parts you never use from the parts folder instead the whole mod. (Backup first)

  12. With TWR of ~1.3 you'll fail to launch. I've tried exactly the same approach and didn't make to 50km. Had to send a rescue mission. As others noticed the TWR of lower stages must be near 2.0 (>1.8).

    Legs might brake on EVE. Though that wouldn't affect your lifter much. You can try testing this by putting an orange tank on top of your lander and dropping it down at ~7m/s.


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