Get the Kerbal X and build yourself a tiny detachable lander on top. Get into a decent circular orbit around the equator, heading east, then just burn prograde when you see the mun come over the horizon. Watch the map view while doing the burn; when you get an intercept with the mun, kill the engines. Fast forward till the mun encounter, burn retrograde at periapsis until you are in an orbit rather than escape trajectory. After that lower your orbit to a circular one at 10-15km. Quicksave, then burn retrograde and crash into the moon. If you don't like crashing, quickload, get out your landing gear and use the rockets to slow down when you are around 2km up from the surface. Don't forget landing gear, and make sure to build a low, flat lander rather than a tall skinny one which will be more likely to tip over. Try to land on the sunlit side so you can see the surface, and put some lights on the bottom; they help in judging the distance to the surface. Good luck!