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  1. I can think of 100 ways your personal adventure will go wrong. I wouldn't try to do that. But if NASA never did, we'd have missed a lot of stuff. Good luck.
  2. Whaaaat? Mine is called Phoenix industries... Stupid mind-reading...
  3. On the future, antennae will have a range. The small one will have a shorter range than other antennae. Thats it. I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think that's the reason. Right now, the small antennae is the best one.
  4. I was trying to land a probe on ike but were very low on Dv. Had to quickload around 10 times and I forgot landing legs. Ended up landing with 0 fuel left and had to sacrifice my nerva (aka lithobrake with my nerva)
  5. I actually reached duna on my 2nd, but it took me 11 days (since I said "lets try to reach mun) to get to mun
  6. Merry xmas. And I will not share crafts becouse they need loads of mods.
  7. Nah, if whackjob made something like that, he could be on moho alredy.
  8. I named mine Phoenix Space Program - I know it sucks - and the backronym PSP is accidental
  9. Here you have, your flag! I hope you like it: http://imgur.com/181lkKy Good luck
  10. Kerbals are capable of doing more complex tasks, and that's why they're the only ones able to do certain things. But unmanned has the avantage of a low mass, and no-one gets damaged if you fail. Yes, manned missions are capable of doing more things. But that is realistic. In fact, for most times, you don't need all that fancy stuff on unmanned missions. That is, unless your rover's wheels break. But you have F5 for that, go and try a better landing again.
  11. You can always launch all the pods at once and switching to one of them. They should be within physics range, but you won't get much dispersion.
  12. Lol, I actually tought it was mods to make the game easier or more god-alike, becouse of the title! What a funny typo.
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