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Posts posted by Minwaabi

  1. Thanks for the quick responses, answers, and input.  Will changing the settings effect craft that have already been launched or only future crafts?

    I feel like this station is cursed though.  In the last 2 minutes I've had about 6 parts break, including a monoprop tank that broke, was repaired by an engineer on eva, the insulation was replaced to hopefully extend the time until the next breakage, and then it broke again about 5 seconds after the engineer made it back inside.  

  2. How often are part failures supposed to occur?   I have a space station in orbit of mun and it gets about 2-5 part failures every 6 hours.  The station has only been up for at most 150 days but I'm pretty sure it's only been up for 50 days.  The parts that fail are usually, z-400 batteries and Stratus V cylendrified monopropellant tanks, but my rockomax x-200 32 tanks also fail regularly as do my (USI) life support tanks.  These things all have pretty long EOL ratings (at least in the VAB), but they are constantly breaking.  Sometimes its the same part breaking (the motor on my lander can) a few days apart.   Are the numbers in the VAB actually seconds and not hours?  Does fixing things make the RNG mad and rerolls what part broke?

    I like the idea behind the mod, but this is extremely frustrating.  Is there anyway to fix this on EVA?  Will "replace battery" start the timer all over?  If nothing else works can I uninstall the mod and it won't hurt vessels in flight?  (I probably have about 35 vessels in flight).     

  3. This does not seem to work with Universal Storage 2.  (At the very least, there is no MTBF listing for it's batteries.)  Is that because the US2's parts have different sizes now?    Seems like that would qualify them as "procedural tanks."  But I want to make sure that's the problem and not me just installing something wrong.

  4. Is there a difference between what a construction port and a sr construction port do once the craft are compressed?  If I attach my station parts with a sr construction port will it be stronger than with a regular construction port after I compress them or is the difference mainly when they are still functioning as docking ports?  Is there any reason to prefer one over the other when you are planning on compressing them?

  5. I'm looking to start up a new game and I'm wondering about using TAC-LS and KerbalHealth together or USI-LS alone.  I have read several forum posts that talk about these mods separately and Friznet gave this summary:

    Kerbal Health - Habitation mechanic + Radiation that impacts Kerbal overall health

    TAC LS -  Food, Oxygen, CO2, Waste; configurable difficulty (starved Kerbals die by default but this can be changed to Touristification).

    USI LS - Food + Waste + Habitation + Homesickness; highly configurable.

    I'm familiar with TAC-LS and I've read the main posts for Kerbal Health and USI-LS, and I'm wondering:  would TAC and Kerbal Health together be the most realistic/feature rich life support combo?  It seems like USI-LS does most of the same things but in a much more basic way (but I could be missing things).  However, I really want to build a colony this game so I'm planning on using USI-MKS Kolonization which I know is designed to work with USI-LS.  Does anyone have any experience with getting these mods together and how that combo would work out?  So in Summary I guess the options would be:

    TAC-LS & Kerbal Health &  USI-MKS Kolonization

    USI-LS & SI-MKS Kolonization

    USI-LS & KerbalHealth & USI-MKS Kolonization - turning off USI-LS's habitation mechanic in favor of KerbalHealth's

  6. I have the same problem FWDixon was having where the tech tree sort of looks like it writes over itself.  I get a warning that there are 70 duplicate nodes when I first start KSP.  

    I tried deleting the 5 files that were talked about before and that does not seem to help.  (PartDatabase.cfg from the KSP folder and ModuleManager.ConfigCacheModuleManager.ConfigSHAModuleManager.Physics and ModuleManager.TechTree from the Game Data folder).

    It seems that it is caused by KSPI-E and CTT.  When I uninstall these two mods the ETT works properly again.  I reinstall them and it goes bonkers again. 

    This seems strange to me because when I first installed everything it all worked together (CTT, KSPI-E, and ETT).  However I tried to check out a different Tech tree and that's when everything went bad.  (I uninstalled that one and reinstalled ETT).   CTT works fine if ETT isn't installed and ETT works fine when CTT isn't installed.  But I don't think KSPI-E works without CTT right?  And isn't that supposed to be supported by this tree?

    Is there any fix for this? 

    Edit:  For those having a similar problem, yes, you can install KSPI-E without CTT.  I installed it manually and then deleted the CTT folder in my game data.  This worked and now everything seems happy and ETT works again.  Maybe it broke something I don't know about, but it seems to work for now.

  7. What are the best mods that add star systems?    I want something that adds a reason for KSPI-E.  

    I finally have a new computer that can handle all the mods I want to play with, but I've been out of a loop for a while.  (I eventually got tired of the 15 minute+ load times I had before with my old potato).  The last time I played KSP seriously, new star systems were a way to frustrate yourself with a bug riddled game.  Do these actually work now?  (Are they stable?  What bugs should I expect?

  8. Convert everything to Imperial?  Are you really sure you want to do that?  Sure, you are familiar with feet and miles and miles per hour, but are you actually familiar with slugs for mass or lbs as a unit of force or all the other silly units nobody actually uses (even here in the US).  (lbs don't measure mass - that only works on Earth and then only because we are lazy and just talk weight instead of mass).  Also, if you want to do any calculations, you're just going to make your life harder later.   As an engineering student in Michigan, it took us about 1 or 2 problems to realize that it's easier to work with metric than imperial.   We actually asked our professor if we could do the problems in metric.  He told us that's what most American engineers do in our field anyway and just convert back to imperial when we report the answer (in class or to a customer/boss). If you are just looking for mph and ft for altitude, you probably want what SSgt Baloo suggested. 

  9. FYI to those folks (who like me) didn't already know this: if you reset your current contracts, that will also reset your active contracts, not just the contracts being offered to you.

    Also, I might have a non-bug? report. I installed the new version of MCE and it seems to be working, but it did not affect my contract history at all. The new parts are in the tech tree, when I reset my current contracts, I got one of the new weather contracts, so that's working, and the MCE toolbar icon says MCE 1.2.0 when I click it. So, it seems to be working just fine. However, it did not mess with my contract history at all. Should I be concerned maybe something's not working or happy I'm so lucky?

  10. Please elaborate on "Warning this addon will break your Contract History in career mode if you were using a version of MCE below 1.2." Does this totally break your contract history in career mode or just the parts associated with MCE? I did my first MCE contract last night and I could easily go back to a save game prior to that. However, I've done quite a few other missions prior to that MCE one. (I have SETI installed so I get a completely different tech tree and contract progression and I'm just starting to do manned flights).

  11. Ah. That explains it. I was thinking that was probably your logic, but I wasn't quite sure.

    Also, do you have any plans to change the tech requirements/add ctt support? It seems to me like most of the parts should go down where MKS goes or maybe the colonization tech node. (Like hydroponics, long term habitation, colonization). I was just about to make a MM patch for Seti Ctt, but realized I was actually just using the CTT nodes, so thought it might be something coming down the pipeline eventually anyway. (Or maybe something useful to you if you were already planning on doing it).

  12. If I remember correctly, one of your long term goals for this mod is that it would integrate nicely (presumably be somewhat balanced) with NFT. (And I think one of the features is better integration with NFT). Is that the case now, or still a future goal? If not, and I try to play with NFT now, will they both play nicely with each other (even if not well balanced) or will they try to murder each other?

  13. So would "bringing this mod a little close into supporting and extending MKS/OKS" include any rebalancing? One of the Civilian farms seems to be smaller and produce more food than the MKS/OKS equivalent. Also, some of civilian's own parts seem to be not well balanced with each other. One farm is half the size of another and produces about 40% more food. I think the 25 civilian apartment is 1/3 to 1/4 as big as the 50 kerbal apartment, but holds half as many kerbals. I was thinking of making a MM file to see if I could rebalance stuff, but I might wait if you have plans to do any of that. Also, thanks for taking over this mod's development its a great idea.

  14. I have two questions:

    1. I had a motor fail on my Science Jr (Material Science bay). But that didn't seem to have any real effect. It was highlighted in red and I got the failure message, but I could still get science, and I could still reset the experiment. Is that supposed to have an effect?

    2. I had a parachute's lines get tangled. Is that a design flaw or just a random failure? I thought those two parachutes were a little close together, but I wanted some redundancy. Not sure if I made it less safe. At any rate, the second chute, plus some fancy flying with the sas, allowed Jeb to safely land.

    Also, Jeb's cursed I think. (or really lucky). This was my second manned flight (I've had 14 unmanned flights with no random failures (just a couple of bad designs)), and Jeb's science experiment "breaks", and one of the parachutes tries to kill him. Great mod!

  15. Minwaabi, please see the new thread for any future questions


    Ive taken over support for CivPop currently

    I have not set it up on CKAN directly. But I did select the option when setting it up on Kerbalstuff. Ill double check and see if it is.

    Oops. Sorry, I realized I put it in the wrong thread just now, but you answered before I could delete it and ask over here. Thanks.

  16. Rabidninjawombat just took over this mod and is working to make it compatible with 1.0.X. I believe that currently there is no license so there is no download. (But its not up-to-date anyway.) Rabidninjawombat makes good mods, so just give him some time and come back in a bit. He said he might be done in the next couple of days. (And I for one am looking forward to it).

  17. I didn't know they fixed that. It used to be that that option only meant that Steam waited for you to launch the game before updating. You had to set no automatic updates *and* remember to always start KSP in offline mode. So I just checked. It still works that way but at least they say so now. The options are basically "always update", "update when you launch the game", and "update first (before other games)". Or am I perhaps looking in the wrong place?

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