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Posts posted by DeadlyPeanut

  1. I cant right click a part in the VAB, it will no longer bring up the menu... It makes the game damn near unplayable. I have a lot of modded parts that need to be switched modes or I need to empty or fill storage or fuel tanks.

    Is there an alternative key that does the same function ? Or some work around ?

    Ive searched through different posts on the internet and it seems to be a known problem BUT exiting the VAB and reentering DOES NOT fix my problem the right click still does not work

  2. I am still trying to get it down, adding control surfaces defiantly helps but still having some problems with it, Ill try your tips and see how it goes. You may be on to something with mach effects... may just have to make my rocket slower.... as odd as that sounds , Im always getting mach effects and thats when stuff sometimes gets a little unstable, sometimes im able to power through it.

  3. Seems like a simple thing but im having a problem with it now.

    Whenever im taking off now the slightest movement east or west and my rocket just instantly flips out... Its ALOT more touchy than it was before, im sure this is part of the whole new aerodynamics part of the update.

    Anyways whats some tips and tricks to prevent this ? Ive tried control surfaces they seem to keep a rocket steady in a strait line going up but any turns an the atmosphere and i lose control. So atm thats what im doing, going straight up into orbit than a 90 degree turn, but that's hardly the most efficient way to do it.

    Im early in a science game so i have limited retraction wheel options but on my small probes the retraction wheel seems to have limited effectiveness in the atmosphere also. Thrust vectoring engines help but thats also very very sensitive just going slightly too far flips the thing.

    Im just curious to find what other people are doing, or is this just the new way the game is and old take off methods aren't going to cut it anymore ?

  4. This is an odd bug, first real bug i've run into while playing this game.

    So im rendezvousing with a captured asteroid with a refueling ship, the ship I used to capture the roid ran out of fuel but was able to get it into an orbit around kerbin though its eccentric.

    Anyways now to the bug , I used mechjeb to do all the rendezvousing which worked fine until it was time to finish the last 2k+ meters. My ship would get a lot of different errors from this point so I stopped using mechjeb, didn't help.

    1 error is my ship would lock up RCS/SAS wouldnt move the ship it was locked pointing in a fixed direction, Engines also didnt work, they would increase my m/s compared to the target in respect to the navball, though on screen it looked like no change. It would fluctuate a bit but i cranked it out to 300 m/s diffrence pointed at the target and the distance never changed in fact it would fluctuate in same cases the distance increased. The ship has power, exiting to the space center and jumping back into the ship fixed it temporarily, also reloading a previous autosave fixed it.. temporarily.

    2nd error, despite having matching speed with the target in some cases when I time wrapped even to just the lowest power above 1x , my target shot off into space. I tested it I let it sit at normal speed 1km away with matching speeds no change for 5 mins. I hit the 2nd chevron the thing just shot off and was out of view range in about 3 seconds.

    Now I use mechjeb a lot so complicated maneuvers like this arent really my forte if i have to do em manually and ive never tried to rendezvous with something with this eccentric of an orbit ( about a 4mil KM difference between ap and pe ) even with mechjeb. ( though mechjeb worked fine when I first captured the asteroid and that thing was on escape velocity, a combinations of commands finally got it close as to my knowledge there is no rendezvous with asteroid command and the regular rendezvous command dosent work well with stuff not technically in orbit )

    But this is just down right unexplainable the thing is either under its own considerable amount of power judging by the speed changes, which is impossible... I hope

    Or somthing is very very bugged

    Mod List- Mechjeb , MKS/OKS, Asteroid recycling technologies, a few parts packs , Lack Luster Lab ( both ships in question use parts from this including engines) KAS , Kerbal Joint reinforcement... plus quite a few more but i don't think they would conflict.

    Any idea/help.... ?

  5. I hate to post this because the awnser is probaly obvious. But is the probe implimented ( the thing that according OP says how much rock is left ) and if so where can you find it in the VAB ? Is it even called "probe" ? as the storage tanks in the OP are actauly called fuel hatches. Or is there some other sensor thing from another mod that does the same thing ?

    Im really getting irked with this new part selecting system, the old one had less features but atleast I knew where every thing is. Ive spent alot more time just trying to finding parts then building damn ships. Also would it be possible to make a wiki with all the USI stuff in it. I love all the mods but holy crap are they complicated and nowhere near enough documentation to come close to figuring them out.

  6. For me, the button shows up in blizzy's toolbar. If you're running the toolbar and don't see the TAC button (icon of a green knife and fork), you may need to "Configure visible buttons" in the toolbar's menu.
    If you posted a log file as requested here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/wiki/Help, I would already know the answer to these:

    1. Are you using the Toolbar mod?
    2. If not, what are the xPos and yPos values in the FlightIcon {} block in this file: {KSP}/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg?
    3. What OS are you using? And 64-bit or 32-bit?
    4. Are there any errors in the log file? Any at all, not just from my mod. And please ignore the "The expected exception is still happening" entry as explained on the Help page.

    I just looked up what tool bar mod im using ( I still dont really know what it is exactly, never paid attention to it it came bundled in with another mod )

    It shows up in my game data folder as 000_toolbar , and in game as ModuleManager ... thats all I know... oh and its last update was the first of this year, according to the change log in the 000_toolBar folder, so safe to assume its quite useless.

    It sounds like Blizzys toolbar works so I can find and install that.

    Also I do see the green fork icon.. but only in the VAB and Spaceplane hanger, they list all the life support info I need but I cant seem to get that info once im in flight on my current ship or any other flights in progress.

  7. This could be a problem with the module manager, but i closed the life support statistics window ( the one that lists the status of all flights and the other window )... how do I re open it ?

    I see the module manager box in the space center and i can either "Reload database" or "Dump database to file" but neither of those does much other then lag the game for a bit. ive tried clicking and right clicking every little box i can find that looks like a UI module and nothing.

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