I am trying to launch my heavy lander to send Jeb to Laythe and back. However I am having a frustrating time getting my launch vehicle to actually launch. The pictures show the story just as well but here is my issue: I like launching stupidly large ships and was running into physics issues trying to use a 4 layer asparagus launcher made of stock tanks. So I downloaded KW Rocketry to use the larger tanks/heavier engines. Except no matter how much I reinforce my ship, it usually falls apart on the launch pad once the physics initialize. I've found the work around to that by launching the second the physics come online and throttling up before the rocket falls to the ground. Except once the rocket gets to 3000-4000 feet (different depending on the rocket design I use) I get hit with a sudden heavy jolt out of nowhere. If I throttle down through that altitude, the ship is still hit with a jolt but it usually survives and I can go back to full throttle. Most of the time I can then happily carry on to orbit. Except... about 1 in 5 launches, when a stage runs out it causes one of the now empty tanks to jolt up and down like it's attached with bungee cords. If it bounces the wrong way it knocks something important loose and the kraken feasts. I can solve this by killing thrust and dumping tanks a second or two before the fuel runs out. But between throttling down at 3000-4000 feet and killing thrust every asparagus stage drop I'm wasting a lot of delta V. I know I'm pushing against the limits of what the engine wants to work with but is there anything I can do to prevent this?