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  1. someone please address this.. Is the Ground Base supposed to be movable by kerbals? If not, then how do we firmly attach it to the ground. I've tried several times to no avail. I tried the wrench and the screwdriver.
  2. For those that want access to the parts in career mode, or who want to integrate the KAS parts into the existing tech tree here is what you need to do... Go into the KAS parts folder and open each part's config file. Add the following under the "Editor Parameters" heading: TechRequired = basicRocketry Change basicRocketry to whatever node you want. if you just want everything use: TechRequired = start For example the file should look sort of like this when you're done: // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = start cost = 1 category = Utility subcategory = x title = Title of part manufacturer = whatever Labs description = description here Note: some of the files dont have the editor parameters section so just add the techrequired part above the cost in the cfg files. Note2: after you do this and start the game, you have to go in to the r&d building and unlock the parts individually if you placed them in a node you've already researched. hope this helps.
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