Eh, I just launch my sats with more dishes. My KSO sats have three or five dishes (the ones within sight of KSC have only three, two of the folding dishes towards Kerbin on the blind KSO sat and the fixed dish towards "active vessel"; the blind KSO has five, the same static 90Mm dish for "active vessel", one to each of the KSO sats within line of sight of KSC, and one each to Minmus and Mun). I have four sats in semi-stationary orbits around the Mun so far, each with eight folding dishes and 1 static 90Mm dish, giving me more coverage of Kerbin and Minmus. I plan on placing some more around Minmus tonight (some more 8+1 sats, but in MinSO). I have two extra dishes on each of my MunSSO sats for deeper coverage (likely Eve/Gilly and/or Duna/Ike for my first forays outside of Kerbin's SoI). Once I have larger dishes/omnis I'll put up new KSO, MunSSO, and MinSO sats for deeper coverage of the system, as well a some relays, perhaps some in Low Kerbol Orbit for coverage anti-Kerbin, as well as repeaters further out to blanket the system in coverage. I'll likely always have the longest range static dishes on each of my sats set to "active vessel", but also rely on a full network of sats for actual coverage. Here's my current KSO and MunSSO sats: