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  1. Hi, really cool F-22! Could you please post some pictures of your aircraft in the Spaceplane Hangar with the center of mass, center of lift, etc. showing? I would like to help you if I can. I'll try to remember to reply tomorrow since it's getting very late where I live.
  2. I, for one, think that my Soyuz is pretty spiffy.
  3. Soyuz. I didn't finish the launcher yet, so I cheated this into space.
  4. My first ever attempt at a full size Saturn V. This picture was taken shortly before a spontaneous explosion of the second stage attributed to lack of struts. Later versions of the rocket worked much better. RIP Glitop, Munlas, and Geofwig.
  5. This is my Titan IV. I don't think it's my largest rocket, but KSP hasn't been working properly for me recently and this is the only one I have a picture of.
  6. I believe you met your watery demise to the tentacles of our cephalopod overlord.
  7. I love how you did the nose. It works so much better than just throwing a 1.25m nosecone onto a Mk3.
  8. Really? I thought that basically all Titans except for the Titan IV had two.
  9. Titan IV-B Thank you to Giggleplex777 for notifying me that it has two engines!
  10. I just threw one together. It doesn't hold too much fuel, but it works. Landed: Flying: Bottom view while flying: Parachute: Fuel: Fuel lines and thrusters: The fuel lines feed from those structural parts into the capsule itself, and then from the capsule to each thruster. Hope this helps.
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