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Everything posted by Kizzie

  1. Alt-L (windows machine) fixes it. Many thanks. The pink light is located bottom left of your screen ( think its the same for our antipodean cousins too). Under the word 'Stage'. the light is normally green, or blinking green and the number on the odometer style indicator, refers to the next stage to be acrivated.
  2. may I add an item or two for your terrific list: 1, Tether line for Kerbals on EVA. 2, Extendable fuel hose module to allow syphoning fuel to nearby, but not docked, ships.
  3. If this is a duplicate thread, please point me to the original as I could not find it. Please read before deciding this is another duplicate thread. 1 Request: Could the dev's, at some point, create a mouse-over hint when the Stage Light turns Pink. 2 Reason: I have a build, previously flown, now showing a Pink Light while on the launch pad and I cannot launch. 3 Effect: If the mouse-over hint on the Pink LIght were available, I might be able to correct the issue and not have to rebuild again. TL;DR Requesting a 'Hint' to be shown on mouse-over 'Pink Light' on Stage indicator.
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