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  1. I just threw that together in around an hour and a half, and ofc could come with more people/organisations. Just wanted it to be an example of the sillyness I'm hoping for. I'm seeing a lot of people are hoping for a "Space Race" kind of career vs another space program, but historically the Space Race was born out of conflict, or rather fear of conflict, and I just don't see the Kerbals being a warlike people. First we need to see if the credit system will be a "per launch budget" or if we just get a lump of credit which we have to divide ourself, potentially a mix where you can exceed the "per launch budget" with money you have gathered from some missions.
  2. Addons now like KW Rocketry for example have it's items spread in the tech tree, so it's up to the creators of the mods when to unlock the items. Since KSP is a single player game it doesn't really affect me if someone plays with big orange tanks and mainsails as the first unlocks so if someone wants to cheat like that, that's up to them. I will try to finish career without mods the first time I play through when the game is officially complete, but add-ons/mods will help keep it fresh when I replay.
  3. I recently posted this to Reddit and was asked to put it here as well. http://i.imgur.com/7ZDDKey.png So the picture gives a good idea of what I'd like to see as missions in career mode, silly reasons to go to space proposed by different kerbals leading to a wide variety in difficulty.
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