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    Curious George

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  1. What the BLEEPING BLEEP is the SSTU Reflection probe, why the BLEEP is it destroying my craft and how the BLEEPING BLEEP do I disable it?
  2. The mod doesn't slow in flight gameplay, it increases time to the loading process but of course any large mod will do that, the main thing that frustrates me is in the VAB or SPH the part sections lag like a [snip] when I scroll into the SSTU parts in those sections. Also it takes ages to exit the game, the main screens take so long to load when coming out of the game proper.
  3. Is there any way to selectively install sections of this mod? I LOVE the engines and fuel tanks but the whole mod slows down my KSP so bad it's incredibly frustrating. I am running a low spec computer that runs stock KSP just fine.
  4. When and if more parts become available I would presume they would be added to the Tech Tree in Career Mode. At such time, would science points already accumulated still be available to research the new techs or will we need to start again? I have landed probes on 4 or 5 other celestial bodies so far and have completed the tech tree as it stands now and have an extra 5000 science points stacked up. Do I need to hold other celestial bodies in reserve for science gathering in the future? LOVE the game, even though it is still in development.
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