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Everything posted by jfox22

  1. Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. thanks for your time
  2. I have two hdd in windows and in the second one runs ubuntu, using ubuntu I went into the desktop folder in windows / ksp / saves, I copied and pasted the folder saves in ubuntu ksp folder and when I start KSP don't recognize the save
  3. Hello everyone I explain my problem, I have Kerbal for windows, I decided to switch to ubuntu 13.10 so I installed Kerbal for linux and I brought the folder in the folder saves ksp in ubuntu, when I start ksp don't load any savegame, if restarting a new game with the same ksp tell me the name already exists, and that if I want to overwrite it, how do I successfully import the game? I need it because i don't wont lose career mode. Sorry for my bad eng and thanks a lot
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