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Posts posted by ttnarg

  1. I loved this challenge, it was really hard at times, and I admit to milking Kerbin as much as possible. I found that the part count was less of a problem, it was the 18t that was the main limiting factor.

    yep the limit is hard when I did it I stuck with the 18ton limit. Only went with something really big after I got all the tech. If I where doing it again I would go with something more mid scale like this:


    I call it the Crow. Can easily do a manned mission to Mimmus and back. Take about 5 mins to dock together. This pic is not 100% caveman as I've upgraded my R&D building* but it can be made with caveman tech.

    PS When building stuff like this the 20m caveman height limit can become a problem which is why I using thumpers instead of an inline engine. the Thmper is realy one of the best caveman engine.

    *I'm doing something I'm calling caveman level 2. I've upgraded my R&D building but nothing else. And I'm not doing fuel transfer on Kerbin. Will post when I'm done.

  2. Mission 3 you did 15ish goo and science Jr tests?

    Oh you uses Bob's Scientist skills to reset them? Which you can do on Eva because your on Kerbin. That would be a long mission.

    Dropping Science Jr at the start of your mission 2 was smart. I would of just done a mission with just the Science Jr but that because I was not going for a low mission count.

    I love your mission 6 unmanned soft landing on Duna with a single launch that's hard. Not including goo or Sci Jr was a good call. Was the Minmus fly by a sling shot or just a fly by to get science? I can't do sling shots with caveman tracking.

  3. In other news, I was trying to get cross feed working on my Raven Craft I set up cross feed out of one booster to it's docking port, across the docking ports on the core, and from the docking port on the other booster into it's fuel tank. See Pic.


    But it's not working. I spent a lot of time trying different thing some times I can get cross feeding into or out of the core but never from one booster to another and even cross feeding into and out of the core (which I don't want) seem random all my fuel ducts are behind decouples so there should be no interaction with the cores fuel tank. I wasted a lot of time trying to get this working, It world be nice to get more payload to orbit with my Raven but it dose not look like it's worth it.

  4. I've started what I'm calling Caveman level 2 and have upgraded my R&D building. (but I'm not using the fuel transfer on Kerbin)

    I wanted to do some manned missions to Mimmus and Mun. Here my craft Which I call the Crow.


    I could of done this caveman, but I have upgraded some parts with the new tech. The Cart (now names Fox 4) now uses 4 Vernor Engines so I can use RCS controls to go forwards and back, (before I was just using RCS to go back with 6ish Linear RCS Port) and all docking ports now small size (instead of tiny).

    The idea is a easy and quick build craft for light payloads. Just 2 modules (3 counting the cart). Jeb has taken this to Mimmus. Now its Val turn to do the harder Mun mission. Would be a good craft for anyone doing caveman missions.

    Edit: looks like I don't have the flying skills to do a Mun landing and return with this craft.

  5. Mmmm hard to be sure whats wrong make sure your port are not off to the side on the decouplers as that could mean they are facing the wrong angle.

    move the cart up to till the ports are only just touching and turn on the brakes. then raise your wheels if your using that type of wheels (if your using wheels that you can do that). I would also recommend trying 2 docking ports, see pic below (save the decoupler with the 2 docking ports on as a sub part to help you line things up.) This will making the docking force twice as string which should help and if you don't do this then even after you do dock you might not have a flyable craft as the boosters will flap around too much.


  6. Docking of first stage with Laythe ship successful. Booster docking minor issues.

    yes I had some problem with horizontal docking. but the problem went away, I'm not sure if it's because I lined up the ports better when making my craft or the fact that I now use 2 ports (which would make docking port force stronger) or the fact that I'm docking it to something that is hanging and so has some movement.

    I look forward to seeing you ship.

  7. Lander - (6 Part Launched)

    - Lander Payload

    - "poodle" upper stage Core

    - 4x "skipper" boosters

    Science module - (1 Part Launched)

    - Standard caveman 18ton launch

    Space tug 1 (8 part Launched)

    - Space Tug Payload

    - "poodle" upper stage Core

    - 6x "skipper" boosters

    Space tug 2 (8 part Launched)

    - Space Tug Payload

    - "poodle" upper stage Core

    - 6x "skipper" boosters

    23 launched parts total

    - 1x combined payload and launch vehicle

    - 3x dedicated payload

    - 3x "poodle" upper stage Cores

    - 16x "skipper" boosters

    + 7 Carts used for building, recovered after used.

    *Lifted 40 tons into orbit.*

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    With hindsight I think I could of done this with 1/2 the launched parts. I didn't need 3 cores on my Lander I could have done it with one which would have meant it could be launch without its 4 boosters and only needed 1 space Tug.

    I've started work on my mk4, Carts now only use liquid fuel engines to go forwards and now use RCS for reverse which means I don't have to mess around turning engines on and off. I got 3 parts back from the core upper stage part by removing SAS, one of the launch clamps and combining the 2 fuel tanks into one big one (even if I don’t have the mass to fill it) and I'm using these 3 parts to try to do cross feeding.

    Also I've now named my launch vehicle: Raven, I was calling it epic (because of the size not how cool I think it was) I want to make 3 types:

    Raven 3 - 1 core + 2 boosters, (maybe with kicker stage in the payload)

    Raven 5 - 1 core + 4 boosters

    Raven 7 - 1 core + 6 boosters

    Once I got them working I'll share them with build and launch instructions.

    Thanks to MoeslyArmlis for suggesting RCS on the carts and fuel ducts on docking ports to get asparagus staging. (I'll let you know if it works)

    And Thanks to GoSlash27 for posting this challenge.


    42 docking events:

    on Kerbin:

    16: docking boosters onto carts

    3: docking core stage onto carts

    3: docking core stage onto payload

    16: docking boosters onto core stage

    In low Kerbin orbit:

    3: docking 4 parts together.

    In Duna orbit:

    1: docking lander back to mothership.

  8. Looks good. Your keeping with a more in keeping with the caveman style doing a lot with less where as I when with the kerbal more boosters style. I look forward to seeing where you go with this mission.

    "The question is why does the undock change vessel focus."

    I know, you set control from here on the center part but when you stage you end up controlling one of the boosters and have to quickly hit the '[' or ']' keys to switch back.

    I don't use 'external fuel ducts' because I'm part limited on the lower middle part. It would be nice and is something I thought about on the mk2 but dismissed it as I was not sure it would work. If I was using a less powerful engine or the booster had more fuel and I needed to run all my engines at full power then then true asparagus staging would of been worth looking into more.

    I find it interesting that you used both jet engines and the Spark engine on the cart. I just used the Spark. The lack of action groups or powered wheels really makes it a pain to control. Does the the slow power up on the jet give you the option to go both forward and backwards with out having to right click the engines and turn them on and off?

    I had to lower the power of my brakes on my cart as it can fall over if I brake too quick I'm guessing this is not as big of a problem for you as your carts are carrying less? or maybe it is as your wheels are closer together.

    IRL commitments means I don't have a lot of time to work on this but Val will got to Duna soon.

  9. OK with my first try to do an epic caveman mission only getting 50% of fuel to orbit I decided to try again with the mark 2 lifter.

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    I docked these 3 in orbit and tried a Duna mission and ran out of fuel... maybe I'm not a good pilot(its hard under caveman conditions) or maybe the craft just didn't have the fuel for what I'm trying.

    So I reloaded and started work on the mark 3:

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    PS anyone reading this and thinking this is a really hard challenge do worry this is what crazy caveman do after they done the challenge. you can complete this challenge with out any docking, in fact one crazy caveman did it with out making orbit. This challenge it really good at testing you to see what you can do with less.

  10. I found horizontal docking on the ground quite hard. Vertical docking on the other hand I found quite easy, but cavemen are limited to 20m which I hit when trying to make a craft 3 parts high. Also you might want to think about having your side boosters on decouplers as well as docking ports as trying to undocking a number of moving docking ports can be slow.

    My early carts had Vertical boosters on them so they could boost up to dock but I found that it was easier just to set the height right so I just had to drive under it. Some time I have to lower and rise my wheels but that's the most I have to do.

    Here is some concept I came up with when making my carts:


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    Phase 1 complete but it did not go well as was hoped. Adding the side boosters was a lot harder than expected. the plan was to add 6 but only did 5. had to reload back to 4 so it would be balanced. Also they flapped around to much it flight so I losted a lot of thrust/fuel. Then detaching them was also tricky and slow. The plan was to lift this booster stage into orbit fully fueled but in the end I only got 50%. But after seeing Bev's mission I have hopes it will be fine. Next I have to launch the lander. the only question is do I chicken out and send a small one way unmaned craft or do I keep with the plan?

  12. Good job on docking pure visual with no RCS or navball assistance. thats just hardcore. its alot easier when you can easily kill relitive velocity a few dozen meters away, poitn both ships at eachother and just give it a touch of gas to dock.

    Thanks and yes that's how I normally dock, docking is not hard if you can rotate both ships (when you have the nav ball to help zero you relative speed).

  13. meh docking isnt so bad. since you can still target once the craft get somewhat close its not any harder from inside the physics window than normal. Only hard part is you may not have enough part count avalible to afford RCS but you can get prety good docking without with small stuff like this. The Rendevous itself is mostly just an exercise in patience. Match planes (not hard to eyeball) Match the orbit as best as possible so at least one node (ap/pe) touches the other orbit. raise or lower the other node slightly and let the craft catchup to eachother over time. Cant do the normal aggressive intercept that you can do with normal patched conics and such

    WHAT? you can target??? that would of made stuff so much easier! if you look at my last post you see one of mine I did docking in space with out RCS. It look so long I decided not to do it again.

  14. Done, at least 1 pic from every mission:

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    I tried not to repeat missions(did a bit at the end to get the last 54 sci). I got 1 more mission planned before I upgrade my R&D building, something a bit crazy. I'll post pic unless its a complete failure.

    PS docking in space under caveman conditions.... very hard, I do not recommend it.

    Edit: I've added comments to the pictures.

  15. Just wanted to let you know I'm giving this a go it fun but hard. I love how every one done this challenge in different ways. I'm about 75% of the way there will post when I'm done. After finishing I'm going to upgrade the Astronaut Complex and R&D and keep going (Astronaut Complex upgrade is needed to upgrade the R&D) this will give me:

    - EVAs

    - flags

    - Surface samples

    - Resource transfer

    The Resource transfer will help a lot with bigger mission.

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