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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. They're... rather rough, especially for the price.
  2. Given that Laythe isn't an option, definitely Minmus. The gravity bothers me occasionally (so much falling over) but it's a nice little moon to get to and back from.
  3. I have Elpis Aerospace Engineering (though a typo in my save has forever rendered it as Alpis). Named it after the Greek personification of hope, pretty good name for a space program if you ask me. My placeholder flag is just a non-shaded trace I did a while ago in GIMP.
  4. Started a new career mode a few days ago, just landed on Minmus to get science for nuclear thrusters and test my reentry systems. Building a Duna probe as we speak.
  5. Landed on Minmus at last, am currently scheduling a return mission. Having landed on Eve, Duna, and Laythe, plus a return from the Mun, I'm surprised I didn't do this earlier.
  6. Built my first working plane, test ran KSP Interstellar nuclear reactors in Kerbin orbit, and finished up by deploying a Kethane mapping satellite to Duna. Also drew up plans for a base deployment system to be assembled in space.
  7. Made my first manned landing on Laythe in preparation for colony establishment. Given that I had my first Mun landing and return yesterday (though I'd landed on Eve and Duna before), pretty proud of this rate of progress.
  8. Two Kerbals currently stuck planetside... Jeb is currently operating a rocket sled (aka a fallen over lander) on Eve, and Bob is sitting on Duna waiting for me to try and save him (ain't happening soon). I'll rescue them eventually.
  9. Began the start of my first manned mission to Laythe. One-way mission for SCIENCE!, and to pave the way for my Kethane mining post. Pretty proud if it works.
  10. This is the second-latest in my Borealis rocket series, and the current standard. With a Duna/Eve/Laythe universal lander, the rocket gets ~10,500 delta-V; probably not enough for Laythe (though I've not yet tried), but enough that I've run several one-way flights to both of the former. Cut-down version without the SRB clusters acts as a short-range satellite deployment system. Standard overengineering and poor optimizing, but it works!
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