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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Sorry if this is off-topic, but what mod gave you that command module?
  2. Hey, your download link is saying I am forbidden to enter. Can you help with that?
  3. AMD has an 8 core cpu that is just about as much as the Intel i3 DMagic suggested. More cpu cores always outperforms less at a similar price point. Here's the link to the cheapest one: http://shop.amd.com/us/All/Detail/Processor/FD8150FRGUBOX
  4. How did you manage the curved fairings? I have such a difficult time dealing with those.
  5. Really nice! Are the fairings doing anything other than providing support and gratuitous style?
  6. Hey guys, my name is spacehelicopters, and I am relatively new to KSP. I played the demo for about a month, and then bought the full version, so there was some adjusting in terms of parts. I am quite pleased to find a community of like-minded (hopefully) individuals who I can interact with. Enough about me, tell me a little bit about yourself. Also, pointers on mun landings would be very helpful. Edit: My steam is spacehelicopters, hit me up if you feel the need to. I play many other games, and have need of people to play them with.
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