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Everything posted by flame_warp

  1. Stanley presses this button, and....blackness. you see, this button marked 'door', was actually a cleverly labeled death trap, which turned out the lights, and called the army's attention to somebody touching the reality warper buttons. what Stanley was fooling aorund with like toys.
  2. you now have the ability to resist all poisons. It works by giving you a super-poison that negates all others. I wish I had the ability to warp through dimensions.
  3. STanley was amazed! Why, it almost seemed like his decision meant something! but of course, it didn't. honerstly Stanley, what are you trying to accomplish? Is a story really so unimportant to you you're willing to get sidtracked by numbered buttons and pretty colors? You know what? no. Stanley decided that these buttons were going to be the deathn of him, and slowly backed away.
  4. hello friends, i am the currently demo-bound flame warp. So yeah. hi. ...not much to say really
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