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Posts posted by Skyfoxyz

  1. After countless hours of work I am thrilled to finally show my SpaceX style kOS program that can launch, boost back, and land the first stage of a rocket back on the launchpad at the Kerbal Space Center. The video is taken from different runs for film-making purposes, but the program runs from start to finish all on its own. The only thing left to do is get it so the 1st stage engine uses a separate kOS script to fire the engine once the first stage is clear (right now I'm using a few seperatrons)

    The code is cleaner than some of my past work, but could still use a lot more error checking. Right now it only does a low fuel check or if it thinks there is no possible way for it to get back to the pad (more than a 50' glideslope from 10km out).

    If anyone knows a good way to run two kOS units at the same time, based off one another, please lit me know! I've thought about using a simple mass detection (if the ship losses more than half its mass in a single frame, then throttle up) but am wondering if there is a better way.

    Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this half as much as I did!

    Take a look at the code HERE

    Very nice.

    Can you please share .craft file ?

  2. Well that is annoying

    If you would please do the following:

    1. Open KSP

    2. Run your double SSTO script

    3. Once one of the scripts stops at 2.5km, exit KSP

    4. Open KSP.log from the root of your game folder and copy the contents into a pastebin http://pastebin.com/

    5. share the new pastebin url in this thread.

    Sorry for false report.

    I've totally noob and just forget to "enable" TT Never Unload part on my vessel.

    TT Never unload part DISABLED


    TT Never unload part ENABLED


    Short video with 2x Stock Aeris + TT NU + KOS

    So it's not KOS issue but my fault.

    However, it would be nice, to control load distance directly from KOS.

    by command "SET LOADDISTANCE TO XXX"

  3. That is very interesting, I responded that the load distance needed to be changed but if you are using never unload then maybe we have another issue. I would be interested in seeing a log from when this happened.

    I'll be happy to provide info but...

    I'm noob.

    Where are stored the logs ?

    KSP itself did not crash, only one CPU unit stops.


    Problem solved.

    Sorry for false report.

    I've totally noob and just forget to "enable" TT Never Unload part on my vessel.

    TT Never unload part DISABLED


    TT Never unload part ENABLED


    Short video with 2x Stock Aeris + TT NU + KOS

    So it's not KOS issue but my fault.

    However, it would be nice, to control load distance directly from KOS.

    by command "SET LOADDISTANCE TO XXX"

  4. Sweet and thanks for the video! That is all about how KSP loads craft, but luckily you can change the default load distance with


    and your craft should stay loaded longer than they normally are.

    Thanks for answer, but ...

    It did not work. :(

    Cannot cast from source type to destination type.

    It seems, type conversion needed.

    I'm not programmer so may be wrong.

  5. Hello!

    First of all, great job with 0.14.

    I've tried to launch 2 SSTO at once.

    All was good while distance between vessels hit 2.5 k

    After that, one of the terminals disappears and one of the scripts stops working.

    The ship itself is not unloaded because I use mod TT Nevers Unload, but engines stops and vessel continue freefall.


    Can you please fix this issue ?

    I'll post example video soon

    P.S> Sorry for bad english.

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