How about this for those familiar with only special relativity... Simply consider the Sun from a frame moving at, say, c - .0003 m/s , so that its mass increases and its Schwarzschild radius is greater than its physical radius (by a factor of about 5 at that speed, if my maths are good). It's a black hole now. As a black hole is a black hole in any frame, we know that the Sun is actually a black hole in its own rest frame, regardless of appearances... In other words, no- gravity isn't simply proportional to relativistic mass. Yes, I know this is technically, or even wildly, inaccurate, given GR. I feel it's a fun refutation nonetheless. @K^2 : If you're familiar enough with GR maths, try contracting indeces on Einsteins equations (by way of a locally Minkowskian metric). It's kind of pertinent to this.