I used too, but I deleted my other two KSP copies shortly after the latest patch was released. Back to just one and launching either through Steam or Mod Admin. One career for normal use, and one for testing with only the Start node unlocked. I think I might make a whole copy of a stock KSP folder, start a new career in that and then throw in just KAS and a few lines for one or two parts. EDIT: Starting a fresh campaign (within my original, fully modded KSP folder) with the following .cfg resulted in a big pile 'o nothing. What I'm curious about more than anything is why it worked perfectly for adding Engineer/Protractor/MechJeb to all the pods with that neat little module trick, but adding a simple line to a part is failing terribly when copy pasting the same line into the actual part.cfg works fine. The names all look right, most parts are copy/pasted right from the part.cfg itself. @PART[stretchyTank05m] { TechRequired = start } @PART[stretchyTank1m] { TechRequired = start } @PART[stretchyTank2m] { TechRequired = start } @PART[stretchyTank3m] { TechRequired = start } @PART[stretchyTank4m] { TechRequired = start }