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Everything posted by VivaNOLA

  1. Thanks for all the info. As a couple of you suggested, the culprit turned out to be those orange tanks. For whatever reason they just don't seem to maintain a consistent seal when stacked. I rebuilt the rig using three of the smaller grey tanks rather than two of the larger orange ones and all is well.
  2. Thanks so much for the responses. @Rusty6899 - that was indeed a fuel line, but on the landing craft. I've removed the whole landing craft from the stack and problem persists. @sojourner, here is the .craft file: Download . @Vanamonde, here is the Flight Results after all engines stop (don't see any issues): Image Hales
  3. This makes no sense. I have a central rocket comprised of two stacked orange tanks with a Mainsail engine below. This configuration has been radially duplicated and attached so that I end up with a fairly typical 6-way array on the outside, so all 7 tank/engine units are identical. I usually test these locked on the platform to make sure they all burn as expected before I go in and set my asparagus staging fuel lines, and when I did so this time I noticed that two of the outer rockets are burning at a different rate than the others. Again, no cross feeding fuel lines exist - these are all isolated burners. When the first tank runs dry, the remaining six tanks are burning at the same rate, but as soon as that tank empties, the tank to it's immediate right starts draining slower than the remaining 5. Weird. Any ideas? Here's a short video walkthrough of the issue: Thanks in advance for any insights. Hales
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