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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thank you!! I love KSP wayyyy too much, even if I am not terribly good at it. I think I'll do some science centre/mission control music for my next project.
  2. This thread blows my mind. Incredible projects and some of the most helpful electronics hobby advice I've read in years.
  3. Thanks so much for the kind words! I will definitely give Jahzzar a listen! @Kaboom!: Your wish is my command. There is in fact already a version on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/supersaturn/sets/albiorix-ep And I put together a spacey on YouTube.
  4. BEAUTIFUL! I was thinking of doing something very similar for a mech game. This is brilliant.
  5. Hey folks, Some of you may remember I did the punk rock cover of the KSP Title theme a while back. That was a lot of fun. This time, I wanted to make a bit of more general space-faring music inspired by my love of KSP. KS1 Launch is meant to be an inspiring track about leaving the surface of Kerbin. (In my punk rock cover, I make reference to a vessel "KS1" which is the name I always give my starting vessels on a new campaign the acronym is not that difficult to figure out lol) The rest of the EP is all quite lovely and spacey too, so maybe throw some of these tunes on while you fly! Hope this makes some pilots happy Fly safe!
  6. Er, hey! I did actually come back. I still play KSP. I just didn't expect this to ever get any attention. Thanks so much for the kind words! I will try to put it on YouTube, if that's still a thing people want.
  7. Uh, so hey! I post here sometimes? Not often. But I read a lot, and I play a lot of KSP. Anyway, I love this game a lot, and I love to do rock covers of Video Game music, so I figured why not combine them? https://soundcloud.com/jotapeh-2/brave-kerbal-science Anyway, it was just a bit of fun. OK, I take that back, a lot of fun.
  8. I guess the main reason I asked is that I'm a Unity developer myself, and converting my projects this week has been as simple as opening them in the newest version of Unity. Generally I've seen some small improvements and encountered no conversion issues (yet.) KSP is obviously a fair bit more complex than my projects, but I wondered if there was some talk of them already experimenting with 4.3 on a git branch and if it had rendered any interesting results. Ever the optimist, I guess..
  9. Apologies if this is the wrong forum, or if there is a dev blog somewhere that already mentions this. I'm having some trouble finding relevant information. Unity 4.3 was released recently, and it states that there have been huge performance improvements in particular to Graphics (culling, lighting, etc..) I was just wondering if Squad had converted KSP to the newest version of Unity3D yet - and if so, can we expect a little performance boost in the next update? I am tired of flying from the maps screen in order to keep my craft responsive!
  10. How did you do this? Is this vanilla KSP? I can't seem to attach more than one engine to the bottom of any fuel can.
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