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Everything posted by mazuzuri

  1. thanks for the help, i just found out what my problem was. The quantum strut uses the linear rcs port as a model so i kept overlooking it
  2. I seem to have hit a bit of a road block, i have installed the mod in the gamedata folder, and i also included the dll file. However no parts are appearing in the VAB. So i was wondering if i need to do anything with the source folder or wether i just need the gamedata folder of the mod. I would love to get this mod back in my collection as my constructs are getting to big for them to hold together anymore. I have included a link to my output log in case that helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9ghzdyj6lr8hy4/output_log.txt?dl=0
  3. Well you wouldn't need to add another resource, what would concievably be rather realistic in sense of real world physics is heat build up. This would mean you only need to in some way hook it into the games inbuilt engine heat system. What makes this realistic is the fact that channeling the amounts of power that Molybdene is thinking of would in the real world generate a lot of excess heat that would need channeling away to prevent catastrophic failure Of course i have no idea whether coding it would be a simple thing, and it would probably be a fine tuning of the mod if it turns out to work as well as we all are hoping for.
  4. i was wondering, how are you planning on calculating the power requirements? Especially since you don't want to make it to unrealistically large, but at the same time not too low making it overpowered.
  5. So in principal it is meant to work as though it were an automated hyperedit of your ships placement in space. A pretty nice idea.
  6. You two are gods in my eyes, i have been hoping for something like this for ages. I was even reaching the point of impatience that i was ready to try and learn c+ just to make it myself, glad i don't have to now I like how the relay looks, it really does remind me of the machine used in contact, had completely forgotten about that idea for a portal/relay generator. In my mind something like the gates from babylon 5 or stargate was the only way to go. Heck this gave me the idea for maybe going a step further just for fun... The wormhole technology from farscape, although that would be a bit overpowered considering you could get anywere with only the generator on your ship Anyway i hope this isn't to far from a releasable alpha to try out, i can feel the itching in my fingers to make a relay network.
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