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Everything posted by Abhishek

  1. Sir, With due respect i would like to state that you have no understanding of India. To feed poor you need money,the money comes from industrialization,trade and commerce.India's space program is a part of India's industrialization process whereby a lot of people get employment directly as well as indirectly.Not to mention the end products of the space program like broadcasting,communication,weather monitoring etc etc benefits the entire society and to inform you india's space program generates revenue for the country by launching foreign satellites. You probably forgot that India has more people than the combined population of Europe and North America.So the challenges India faces are immense and you cannot solve them with just money.India needs all round development to become prosperous. You are talking as if India spends nothing on it's social issues and every of it's resources is siphoned off to mars mission.The reality is very different.India spends just so much on it's social issues that it has resulted in a massive current account deficit. Because of India's gigantic population and it's governance structure of a loosely based federation having weak central and strong state government, it will take India quite some time to solve is myriad issues
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