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  1. Someone spurred me on to land this ship, so I attempted Minmus - and survived! It turns out the landing thrusters are next to worthless, but I still made it. Lightspeed...ish. Touched down. Here's Jeb for scale. Good thing he didn't land in the gaping maw of a Space Kraken!
  2. This is quite possibly the best thing since forever. I can't imagine the amount of work that went into getting the shape right. Brilliant work!
  3. Greetings! After completing the science tree in career mode, I decided to challenge myself and build something bigger than I had ever built before. I decided to build the Millennium Falcon! ... and shortly thereafter, realized it was too lopsided for me to bother launching. So instead of a YT-1300, I decided on the much more symmetrical YT-2000. If any of you have played Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, you'll be familiar with a ship named the "Otana". And with its sensor dish exposed: This project took me around 20 hours total, and featured many unsuccessful launches to get into orbit. Coming in at ~200 tons and ~700 parts, it's definitely my crowning achievement when it comes to cool-looking builds. It has all science modules as of .22, and a total of 12 landing struts so everything might not explode if I try to land. Here's a blueprint-style picture showing different angles of the finished product: For those of you interested in the inner workings of the YT-2000, here's a look at the skeleton. It has 4 nuclear engines to push it through the solar system, with 75% of an orange tank per engine. It also sports 4 landing thrusters around the center, accommodating my naive hopes at somehow landing a 200 ton ship on a moon (which I have yet to accomplish). And for those curious as to how I got it into an orbit around Kerbin, this is the 14-mainsail launcher, complete with being three-times as slow when launching; it took me around 20 minutes of real-time (6 minutes mission time) to complete the launch. You can see 4 landing struts peeking from above the solid rocket boosters here. Edit 1: Landed on Minimus! Pictures below. Edit 2: Here's a link to the .craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdw014k07fpd4hq/YT-2000.craft
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