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Everything posted by TrebligY

  1. I am also doing a brand new install with the latest release, and I have been having the same problem. After doing considerable looking around and remembering back to when I had the problem previously, I remembered that if i run KSP in administrator mode it seems to fix the problem. I am running it out of my programs(86) directory. Its also worth noting i am running blizzy's toolbar, I dont know if engineer works without it anymore.
  2. My first post ever. I finally built a gantry crane I was happy with and I had to share it. After searching through the forums on how to fix Magic Smoke Industries' floating gantry rail (in case your wondering you have to change the fixedmesh in the .cfg from Base to Platform) thanks sirkut if your out there! Anyhow I built up my crane did some testing then sent it to the mun, for lets say more rigorous testing, its probably the most solid vehicle I have ever built, very solid/stable, no tipping at high speeds. Let the base building begin!
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