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Posts posted by 95tiger59

  1. im hitting 2 years early spring this year. I almost kind of miss not being good. Having the awesome feeling when I finally got a rocket into orbit before I knew how to gravity turn. Before I could Land a rocket on the mun in one piece. Before when a kerbal went interplanetary it was never coming back. And I looked in awe at those who could do these things with ease, they were wondering where they went wrong in their math calculations for their grand tour ship, and I was wondering why I kept crashing whenever I did err attempted a mun landing. I almost wish I could forget

  2. there is an extremely small chance it could be water as the pressure might change waters boiling point enough, but we don't now accurate readings of the temp on eve to know for sure. I personally think it is rocket fuel

  3. And they do have a purpose?

    I read through your post - and still don't get it. There is no contract that would require any of these.

    I'm sorry if i wasn't clear. The contracts that wan't you to explore a certain body only need science to be done to be completed; from orbit and from the surface and can be transmitted and even have a value of 0. What all of these allow you to do is when you gain these contracts again you can leave these permanent installations there so you don't have to launch another rocket. just transmit science from orbit and surface and your done

  4. You, yeah you forum goer. what if I said that the next time you get contracts to get science from a body multiple times there was an easy way to do it? thats right folks these now useful constructs can make your career mode easier and give you a long term payout. \

    *inhales* so guys what do you think? will you start using these things more now that they have a purpose?

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