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Posts posted by POllik

  1. Coming back to KSP after a long absence...decided I need to go through training again.

    Finding it very sloppy...load Hopper, it says, except it isn't available. Never mind build it from scratch, add the swivel jet liquid fuel engine, except it isn't available.  Meaning I can't do that training session. 

    Kinda lost heart in it now...it is hard find enthusiasm when one is just waiting for the next bug/glitch. 

    Sorry about the negativity...been a long day and I just wanted to unwind, but instead.....

  2. Mods: Mechjeb2, Kerbal Alarm Clock, KER,  x-science

    I set my screen resolution to 1600 x 900.

    My issue is that the screen resolution keeps resetting itself to 1920 x 1080.

    Sometimes it will do this between shutting the game down and starting it up next time. Sometimes it will do it as I leave the VAB to go to Launchpad. It doesn't do it every time and, after a couple of weeks, I haven't been able to pin down or reliably replicate its occurrence. But it happens a lot and it is infuriating enough for me to consider giving up the game. I get a sense that it happens on two particular, but very different ships, but not every time of launching. One ship is an early game Minmus satellite launcher, the other is late game Kerbodyne heavy lifter piloted. They do have parts in common, of course, but so do all my others ships which (so far) don't have the glitch.

    Edit: It seems to take longer to load on the Launchpad when the reset happens between VAB and pad

    I'd welcome any thoughts about tackling this...or if it is an issue other people have.

    TIA :)

  3. "It's called 'Camera Reset'"

    Ah, thank you. That labelling didn't strike me as anything to do with...I assumed that it was to do with resetting the camera in ship view. Not unreasonable because the camera is not used in map views - quirky.

    And on my keymap, it was set to the apostrophe, so I couldn't find by looking for a tilde.

    Thank you both, you are lifesavers. :):):)

  4. OK, I know this is a question that has been posed before, but in 1.6 the suggested answers don't seem to be working for me.

    In a mission, flying my ship, I go to map mode. I focus on a celestial body. But then I can't move the focus back to my ship.

    I have tried backspace, tilde, double clicking, square brackets. The only two ways I have found to do are by using TAB, but that seems to cycle through all the celestial bodies first leaving the ship to last (shiftTAB cycles through all the celestial bodies in the opposite direction but still leaves the ship to last). The second way is by exiting to the tracking station.

    Neither of the two ways is exactly user friendly.

    Does anyone know any shorter ways? 

    Installed mods are up to date versions of Mechjeb2 and XScience. Playing on Win 10

  5. I have been using this for a few days now....and I like it very much.  But I am experiencing a problem, which might just be me getting used to it.

    So, I have this lander ship and I have set up three action groups for radiators and drills.  And, when I clear the edit windows, I still have the box showing me the three action groups and they all work great..

    But, if I exit KSP and restart, the action groups are now missing.  I have to create them again

    I couldn't figure a way to attach output_log.txt to this post, so https://www.dropbox.com/s/yy1gnkyl9dhslqn/output_log.txt?dl=0

    I am doing something wrong, but what?

    Any suggestions would really be appreciated...thanks in advance. :)

  6. 2 hours ago, LatiMacciato said:

    Ah, thank you.

    My problem turned to be that I had downloaded the master file by mistake...got it working now, thanks for your help :)

    I am feeling very newb right now.  Been playing KSP for a couple of years.  Have three mods installed (MJ, Engineer and a waypoint mod).

    But I just cannot figure out how to install  this!!

    I have tried copying the folder "KerbalAlarmClock-master" (tried both the parent and the child folders with that name) in the directory "GameData".  Tried copying to the directory "Plugins" and "PluginData"

  7. I am feeling very newb right now.  Been playing KSP for a couple of years.  Have three mods installed (MJ, Engineer and a waypoint mod).

    But I just cannot figure out how to install  this!!

    I have tried copying the folder "KerbalAlarmClock-master" (tried both the parent and the child folders with that name) into the directory "GameData".  Tried copying to the directory "Plugins" and to "PluginData".

    Can someone put a gloomy kerbonaut out of her misery, please?

  8. Using the mod for the first time, on a biggish craft and liking it a lot, thank you. :) Still need to get to get used to it, of course.

    One thing did occur to me as an idea, if it appeals to you...it would be very useful to have figures for velocity along each of the tree main axises. It would make it easier to know when to adjust the RCS rather than simply eyeballing the green lines on the screen. Just a thought...it is great as it is :)

  9. This is probably a silly question, but here goes....

    I have a refueller craft to transfer fuel between a space station and an interplanetary mother ship. I need to be able to dock it with the larger contructions.

    Basically, it is a Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank plus a couple of radially mounted Thud engines.

    Because is quite large, I have chosen to use Vernors as my RCS. The odd thing is that, while they work well enough to translate forwards and backwards, when I use the I/J/K/L keys, the Vernors only puff. They won't provide a steady lateral thrust, and I have to keep tapping the keys.

    Is that part of the design? Or do I have a minor bug?

    Mods: MJ, Flight Engineer, HyperEdit, NavHud, Waypoint Manager, Dock Align.

  10. it really is so super simple to add them your self, i just copied the rockomax 64 and changed its config file from

    name = LiquidFuel
    amount = 2880
    maxAmount = 2880
    name = Oxidizer
    amount = 3520
    maxAmount = 3520


    name = LiquidFuel
    amount = 5760
    maxAmount = 5760

    and you could do this with all the stock fuel tanks

    Which config file are we talking about here? And how would it work if, say, you didn't want to convert Rockomax 64 to liquid fuel (which would make a mess of many of my ships, but wanted to create a new Rockomax LV64 instead?

  11. Hmmm.

    I tried to update, was offered a dialogue box to login with email and password, which I did with my KSP login (not my forum login) and I get a message:


    Detecting if OS-resident rsync is present...

    rsync is not already installed, so making use of bin\rsync.exe.


    Getting login token...

    Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: File not found.

    The update doesn't seem to have come down.

    So, instead I downloaded a new install of 1-0-2 (my login worked fine, there), but if I move my save files over, I get told the science tree has not been unlocked. :(

    Edit: I am stupider than I look. The science tree issue was my failure to move Mechjeb over. Sorry :(

  12. Does anyone else's mechjeb have all the tools available in career mode from the first node where the case is unlocked? I have rendezvous, landing, and etc all unlocked when I definitely have not unlocked those nodes yet in my new career game. If others have this "issue" it's a bug otherwise I guess somehow this could be caused through a mod conflict?

    I can add to this...I have had two different but related issues having restarted a career mode

    First time, my first use of MJ was in sandbox...everything was unlocked. My second use was in career and everything was unlocked..

    Second time (after a reinstall), my first use of MH was in career mode and I was given DeltaV, Ship Info, Settings and Custom window. My second use of MJ was in sandbox, and I was given the same four nodes, in other words I did not have full functionality in Sandbox, having only unlocked four nodes in career

  13. I am pulling out my hair.

    My problem relates to missions like landing at a particular spot on Mun to take a reading...I don't have an issue with similar type missions on Kerbin.

    This is what I can't get my head round...I activate the navigation marker, and providing I am pointing vaguely to towards it, I see the marker on the navball. So my problem is that as I approach the designated area, I can't see the navigation marker because I am pointed retrograde for my descent burn. I can't eyeball the landing area because it is not marked in 3D view. I am blind. The idea of taking a rover or doing little corrective bunny hops seems a bit tedious, not to mention not very scientific either.

    The vids I have watched about landing to a target all assume that some is there, visible, but career missions don't

    How does everyone else approach the issue?

    This is in 0.90 beta, with mechjeb, but no other mods.


  14. At present, struts cannot be used between two vessels, meaning that vessels need to be docked before struts can be used. But when the ships become undocked, all struts just disappear.

    Is there something I can change in the cfg so that the struts would stay in place after the pipe or winch undocked?

  15. The above comments notwithstanding, the reason I started this thread was because the product description of the S1 SRB-KD25k says this:

    “This super heavy booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch.â€Â

    I took this to mean that the S1 SRB-KD25k was different from other boosters. I took this to mean that despite the general rules for debris and despite the 2.5 km rule and despite pod/probe rule, despite all that, I assumed that it meant that the booster could be routinely recovered.

    There is some good general advice in this thread, but none of it really addresses the stated special nature of this part.

  16. Your capsule came down first? That's one odd flight.

    I thought that, too, but it happens every time. Capsule + 1 chute. Booster + 6 chutes.

    Thanks for the tip about the probe..that worked. My thinking was that if the description said it was designed to be recovered, then there must be something different about it compared with other debris. Apparently not so.

    I am not keen on planes in KSP...they feel very un-planelike to me. Probably been spoilt by Flight Simulator.

    Thanks for your help guys

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