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Everything posted by TheClassiestMedic

  1. Hover guy here I ended up teaching myself the basics of control theory, and making a PID control system for the craft! It's insensitive to gravity, engine type, and you could even use it for something completely different with just a little tweaking! I'd post it somewhere for others to use, but I'm not sure if this is the right place.
  2. Wow, that looks complex. Might be what I'm looking for, though! Thanks.
  3. Ah, so I need to name the engine somehow, perhaps with the names under 'list parts.'? Very aware of the limitations of MAXTHRUST, my current goal is to build a hovercraft, and to do that I need to calculate, using engine data, what throttle percentage needs to happen to bring my TWR to 1. Currently I am setting my throttle to '(mass*9.81*desiredTWR)/maxthrust' but I think because of atmospheric limitations, using a TWR of exactly 1 actually causes a rise in altitude if not corrected.
  4. Oh shoot. I guess I'm really that dumb. In the kOS docs, under the 'Structure Reference' title, does that list not refer to built-in variables?
  5. Thanks for the tips! This is the kind of problem I'm encountering: Was there an update somewhere that added these values, and I just don't have it?
  6. I've got a few puzzling questions about this mod! First of all, how would one calculate the *actual* maximum thrust of an engine inside the atmosphere, since atmosphere does have an effect on many engines? In some of the part cfg files, I found 'atmosphereCurve' entries, but don't know how to implement them into the script. Secondly, why can't I use some variables? For example, when I type "print thrust." I just get back "variable thrust is not defined." This is the same for a lot of the structures, like atmosphere:* and direction:*, as well as many others. Am I missing a component of the mod?
  7. I'm just posting here because I really love the GPWS feature (the altitude callouts and ground warnings), and the idea of klaxons going off as your craft plummets to the ground really appeals to me. However, I'd really prefer if the ALCOR capsule included a version of the GPWS sound effects that haven't been distorted to sound like kerbals (because we aren't kerbals, after all!) Also, I'd personally like some more altitude warnings when your craft gets lower, because as of now, it skips from 50m to 20m, then 10m. There seems to be a sound clip for 40m, but it appears to really be a slightly quieter copy of the 20m warning. Check it out in "GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\Sounds\gpws"! And the "too low - gear" alarm seems kind of muffled. I found a set of alternative GPWS warnings for those who are likeminded, but they don't extend as far as 2500m, and some of the lower altitudes won't work because the craft doesn't check for them. Here's the link for those who are interested: http://free.flyawaysimulation.com/altitude_callout.zip To the developer: Could you consider making a more complete and realistic GPWS system available to us? That classic WHOOP-WHOOP sound would be really exciting to hear! Thanks for making one of the best KSP mods ever, in my opinion, and for reading my nit-picking blather
  8. I've just found a way to make MechJeb work, for others who have the same problem. Some helpful person on the KSP subreddit linked to a working .dll Here's the post: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/221a34/mechjeb_broken_from_new_patch_click_here/
  9. I've got the same problem, unfortunately. I've updated to the newest version, but MechJeb doesn't do anything more than sit there, no sidebar shows up, and ALCOR tells me I don't have an autopilot installed. I really want to take a look at some of the dV stats for these new rockets, and reexamine tweaked old ones like the ion engine
  10. Yes, all the files are there, except for 'config.xml', which I assume is generated because it's not present in the .zip The error occurs even when I remove all other mods... I've no clue how to fix it
  11. This is such a great mod! Or would be... if it would work. I can't wait to make autopilots and whatnot, but upon trying to open the interface, I get an error about missing textures. I double-checked the GFX folder and all four are there, just like they are in the .zip from SpacePort. Does anyone have any insight into how I could get this to work? I have TextureCompressor, could that be it? I doubt it, seeing as there is no custom config for kOS under 'GameData\BoulderCo\textureCompressorConfigs', so I don't think TextureCompressor would find reason to muck with the HUD layout images
  12. This mod looks wonderful, it's really versatile and has a lot of features. However, it won't start KSP when I click Launch! It gives this error: "Launching KSP faild. Unknown error (0xfffffffe)" Anything I'm doing wrong? It detects all my saves, parts, crafts, and mods just fine, but won't launch.
  13. Aha! Thanks, I'm going to go update it right now! I toyed with the idea, but the backspace key is all the way across the keyboard, and I deemed it more convenient to just mash space. Also, it doesn't immediately deploy the parachute, which should be delayed until the sepratrons stop firing or the pod has gotten an acceptable distance away from the craft
  14. I finally got myself together and spent some time making my first true unmodded VTOL plane! It's fast, maneuvreable, and deadly! Download (for those who want to cut right to the chase) Version TWO B is available HERE! Version THREE can be found HERE! New features include: *Better designed missiles **They twirl as they fly for stability **Less clunky release mechanism *Long swept tail vanes, so taking off normally is much less difficult *Vinyl seats Also comes with: 2 normal engines 2 VTOL engines 4 missiles Ejection seat (mash space) Autonomous flight (after you've mashed space) 3-year warranty* Here's an album of photos of the (outdated) Mk II Action groups: 1 - toggle main engines 2 - toggle vertical engines 3 - fire outer pair of missiles 4 - fire inner pair of missiles 5 - toggle ladders 6-9 - fires missiles separately 0 - toggle toaster oven (and in case you've forgotten, if you press U, the landing lights come on!) Feedback welcome! How could I make it better? How did YOU make it better? Do you like it or not?
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