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Everything posted by ripvanlemon

  1. But you were able to EVA while hovering in place, so that's pretty awesome. I don't think I would be able to do that without Kerbal death happening.
  2. Can someone try to explain this to me please? Techniques 2 and 3 make perfect sense because I'm arriving at the asteroid with roughly matched velocity. The only downside I can think of is that I can't rendezvous until it's in Kerbin's SOI. If I run straight out in the opposite direction like LethalDose suggests, how do I then set up a rendezvous?
  3. I just wanted to say that new KSP logo thing at the end of the video is pretty awesome.
  4. I posted the same question a while back, and based on the advice I was given, I messed around and figured out I can reliably place a maneuver node out beyond the solar periapsis and then drag it back to wherever I want it. I've done this dozens of times in the same situation you are showing in your screen shot. It hasn't ever not worked. That's my only-slightly-annoying workaround.
  5. I tried it one time before I had any idea how jets work in KSP. Success!
  6. If you're wondering if it can be exploited, the answer is yes! Just a couple of examples off the top of my head: (by the end of the vid, he settles on a design that is driven only by reaction wheels) (using pod torque in conjunction with fuel transfer)Is that what you were looking for?
  7. So... option 3 is out because you won't have any control over the probe at apoapsis. Option 2 seems honestly kind of boring, because there's nothing out there. Option 1, as written, might not work due to solar panels not working that far out... BUT if what you want to do is crash your probe into the sun at near-plaid velocity (which sounds awesome)... you wouldn't necessarily have to make the burn at apoapsis. That would just be the most efficient place to do it. In fact, I bet you could set up that trajectory right now if you wanted, then ride out to apoapsis and come back in. Maybe even kick your speed up a little on the return trip once you've regained control.
  8. For me, sandbox is the heart of the game. I don't know where they're going with career mode, and maybe the ugly duckling will become a beautiful swan one day *sniff* -- but right now it's a bit of a grind. Maybe if I could go back and approach it as a new player? .22 science was really boring, granted. Transmission spam felt like playing Diablo 2 or something. People probably wore out mice on that. But for me it's almost as bad in .23+ having to repeatedly visit the same bodies and do the same thing (or biome-hop on Kerbin, which I couldn't even bring myself to do because the idea of it is so boring). I don't think career adds anything to the game at this point -- except science! -- but instead takes away a lot of options until you land on the Mun and Minmus a million times. The challenge of the game was always in learning how to do things. If somebody approached it with total understanding of orbital physics and maneuvering, then they'd just have the small hurdle of learning the keybinds and HUD, and they could get straight into building rockets. That's the way it should be! You shouldn't be grinding for XP, you should be able to jump in at your skill level and have fun! If science was available in sandbox, that would be perfect IMO. It wouldn't count for anything, it would just be another fun thing to do.
  9. Why build anything at all in KSP? We didn't even have career/science until .22, and people built lots of stuff anyway. Practical reasons for sats? None really, unless you're using mods that require them for comms. Practical reasons for probes? I dunno -- I like to use a probe to drag an asteroid into orbit then send a manned mission to rendezvous. That's not really practical I guess, but it makes sense to me.
  10. I just wanted to add -- although I think this is probably a VERY minor part of your problem -- you may want to toggle torque on the lander's capsule. If it's enabled, that can make wiggle problems a lot worse.
  11. YESSSS! Thank you, my new best friend. Edit: both my new best friends.
  12. First: When I leave a planet's SOI, I don't seem to be able to place another maneuver node for a correction burn before the solar periapsis. Is that normal? If not, how do I fix it? Second: Once I've set focus on the target body to see where I'm ending up and what direction I need to make my correction burn point, is there an easy way to switch focus back to my ship without going back to the tracking station? I think this is just a keybind question, but I haven't found the right button to press.
  13. I totally agree about most of that, but I must be some kind of genius, because I figured out lithobraking in the first five minutes
  14. I hope the new joints don't mess with sproing.
  15. They'll look exactly like Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebek. "No other object has been misidentified as a flying saucer more often than the planet Eve."
  16. You know what I just noticed? Look at how those boosters are attached. One little radial decoupler (new part?) and two struts on each side. AND IT'S ALL STILL IN ONE PIECE
  17. I'm working on an interplanetary tanker in a pull configuration. Basically what I have at this point, assembled in orbit, is a ring of LV-Ns sitting on top of three orange tanks. Problem is, when I fire the engines, the whole thing starts to rock side to side. It's not wobbly, it's just... veering off to one side, then overcorrecting, then veering off the other way. I *think* I remember seeing something about thrust vectoring working backwards if the engines are placed ahead of the center of mass. Is that still the case? Am I remembering correctly? And, if so, is there a workaround, or do I just need to lock gimbal?
  18. As to 3) I have had the Gigantor panels detach on me in space. I was in map mode at the time, so I can't be sure what happened, but I was in circular 100+km orbit around Kerbin. It was on the probe pictured below (different launch, though). The previous stage had an LV-T30 and I went to full throttle with the panels out. Switched back to normal view, and they ripped right off. That was in .22, but I can test again tonight.
  19. Zeppelinmage, you did Gemini 8 in reverse. Very cool.
  20. Congratulations on your first Duna mission. I got almost the same orbit the first time I went... backwards and near polar. Instead of burning fuel to change my inclination, I just went to Ike and came back
  21. Maybe 80 on Steam? (Don't have it on this PC.) And about 30 in the demo before that.
  22. That actually is really cool! I didn't realize you could do that. I usually use RCS and SAS together when docking (SAS to hold my orientation and RCS to translate) so it's not really VITAL to have the thrusters right on COM, but it does help. Now, if you have thruster groups on either side of COM, aren't they supposed to work "smart" -- i.e. they thrust proportional to their distance from COM? So this would really just help you cut out a set.
  23. Hi. Thanks for the reply. I'm actually excited about the new version, but I had planned the mission and built my probe with .22 science (transmission spamming) in mind and already had it on the way to Eve. That's why I have held off updating. I love my Kerbals too much to send a manned mission there. I'm going to try it again in .23, but I'll be sending a lab module... and probably run manned to Gilly for sweet jumps.
  24. Hi everybody! Just a quick intro. I've been playing KSP for about 3 months now, and lurking the forums most of that time. I play dead stock, mostly puttering around the Kerbin system. I have a habitat/refueling station in Kerbin orbit (had lots of "fun" figuring out orbital rendezvous and docking, and owe a great debt to these forums). I've also landed a probe on Ike and then landed it on Duna. Currently working out an unmanned Eve/Gilly mission, so I'm not updating just yet. I got halfway to Eve and realized I'd forgotten to deploy the solar panels .
  25. When you set "control from here," the navball orients to the part you're controlling from. In this case, since the docking port is facing up, the navball reflects that.
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