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Everything posted by GungaDin

  1. I'm in career mode and need to get to the point where I can learn to navigate and dock but I think my Kerbils don'r have the ability to 'lock' on a target. I also would like them to be able to take soil samples from different biomes. Is there a guide somewhere to tell me which facilities to upgrade to gain these skills? I see the Science tree just fine but the facility upgrade path is less clear. Thanks.
  2. No - sorry guys. This was all my delusion. I had ejected the engine without knowing it and thought it was under water and inaccessible when it was actually floating around somewhere far away. All is well now.
  3. I did this but my rocket floated capsule-up so that I could not click on the engine which was under water.
  4. So I need to test an engine while splashed down but what does that mean? I can't run the engine while I'm in the water or even right click on it to ruin a 'test' if I can't see it down there right? Also I keep getting offers rto do surveys on Kerbin but haven;t been able to complete them from orbit. is the only way to do surveys to develop aircraft? Thanks!
  5. I see. I'll check that before I try again. I'll also have to study up on how to use the Navball for navigation. Thanks.
  6. is there a specific tutorial somewhere for completing a contracted survey mission. I'm trying to meet conditions for surveying a zone above 17,000 m. The way I do it is to go all the way to orbit and fly over the site from there. I keep the contract window open, fly over the site and wait for the condition to be met but the box never get's checked. Is it possible I am TOO high at 580 Km? Thanks.
  7. I'm well into a career in KSP and having a good time of it - however - I would like to try one more time to install some version of Real Solar System. IF I make a copy of my entire KSP directory can I continue to play from there while I downgrade my main installation to 1.6.1 in order to try the RSS or KSSS mod again? Thanks.
  8. Oh I know what might be happening then. I have rolled back my KSP version to 1.61. to accommodate a solar system mod. I do own the latest (making history DLC) so maybe that's why so many parts are missing. I wonder if I can transfer just the parts from that DLC into my 1.61. KSP? Do you know what folder the parts go into?
  9. Ahh OK. https://kerbalx.com/YC20170512/Long-March-2-F
  10. Got it and I see that KerbilX has a nice list of parts when you dig deep enough but WHERE do I go to find the parts? I don't see a specific parts pack listed anywhere to search for... Thanks.
  11. OK So I downloaded a 'craft' from Kerbilx and placed it in the right folder. (In this case a Long March 3 Rocket.) The craft appears in-game but none of the parts? I go back to KerblX and there is a nice lists of the parts I need but how do I locate, download and install them? A 'craft' file in KSP is just the design right? But why don't they include all of the related parts in one location? What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  12. Hello. I am literally dying to get this running but I must be missing a step. I followed all of the downloads on the first post of this thread and did the first 3 steps against a fresh KSP1.61 install. It made no visible change to my game. Are there more steps to get it running besides unzipping the files into my KSP folder? Much thanks for any help.
  13. What am I doing wrong here? I go to Steam workshop and download a Vostok (stock) rocket. Then I open a sandbox game and THERE SHE IS but there is one part missing?! Is there a listing somewhere of what parts go into a craft and in what order or a reference for what parts download are needed to make a craft complete? Thanks.
  14. I'm not understanding how to successfully download and install modded rockets and their parts. When I download a rocket and it appears in game it is missing 'parts'. Do I have to separately download a parts pack and if so how do I know which one?
  15. In a career mode I'm trying to complete a contract which requires me to fly over a certain place. I have flown over in a rocket about 22 kilometers and taken a crew report at that time but it does not chalk up a completed contract. is there nay indication when in flight that you are 'over' some landmark and is taking a crew report the right thing to do? Thanks.
  16. I know this would be a 'cheat' but I'm mostly interested in rocketry and would love to explore around Kerbin in a jet while I'm working through a career...
  17. I can't tell what provides SAS control. Do some pods come with it and some not? It appears that I am occasionally denied SAS control even with a manned pod and sometimes I have it even with the same configuration. I have a hard time orienting myself with pitch/yaw and roll. With a rocket, in order to roll or yaw you need to know which way is 'up'. If 'up' is in the direction that the pilot/kerbal is oriented then you need to know where the cockpit/hatch is placed. is that how it works in KSP? ALso is there a camera setting that locks my external view so that I roll along with the craft? That would help me orient. THANKS.
  18. Starting a new career and I want to avoid Kerbal losses at all costs. Is there a way to launch unmanned rockets with pods on top and still able able to control the flight?
  19. I'm old and my eyes are not great so...is there any way to enlarge the fonts on the basic user interface screen? Thanks.
  20. is there a screen somewhere that I can't find that shows where the money comes from and goes? All i see is what is currently in my 'bank'. I started the game with X money, built a rocket (with no contract), flew and recovered it and ended up with pots more money then I started with. Did someone just pay me for my stunt flight or do I have a secret stash of bitcoin somewhere?
  21. No I want the making history parts. ANy idea how to get my launch pad to the surface of Earth instead of under it?
  22. I just read through this entire thread and I know what's wrong with my SSRS setup but not how to fix it. My space centers are apparently spawning below sea level! Does anyone know the fix for that? My setup is listed in my previous post.
  23. I'm still trying to get SSRSS installed but struggling. I'm close though and hope that someone can recognize my remaining symptoms. I rolled back my KSP version to 3.1 and then installed the following - - SSRSS continued - galilleo88 - Stock size real solar system, high rez clouds - galilleo88 - Stock size rss - Rescale - Sigma88 - Stock size RSS - Stock inclinations - galilleo88 I did this using CKAn and it said I was succesful so I launched KSP The result is that the game launched OK but when I start a scenareo my launch pad apperas to be in water (blue surroundings) and when I go to tracking station and look at Earth I do not see where my launch pad is on the now beautiful planet earth. Any ideas as to what I did wrong? OH - Also I appear to have all the parts from making history! Thanks for any help.
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