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Everything posted by weefek

  1. Thank you everyone for the great replies. I built a small station core last night, but missed my manuevering burn by 10s and ended up in the ocean. After multiple other failures... Some due to my stupidity (most due to my stupidity) and some due to weird glitches (parts suddenly not being attached to each other?..) Anyway , I am really liking the game so far and of course the Kerbal community is GREAT! Thanks again everyone
  2. Hello everyone, I've been playing KSP for a few days now, just in sandbox mode. After seeing a few videos I became quite intrigued and just HAD to play! I have successfully built a few rockets and some planes. I haven't landed on Mun yet, but I have made successful trips there and back to Kerbal. Reaching orbit, and general orbital maneuvers I have figured out (I am not proficient by any means but I can do it). My super newbish question is this: In all the pictures I see of space-stations, they have (what I assume are) fuel lines running inside the struts (by struts I mean the structural cubic parts that connect different sections of the ship, usually the solar panels are mounted to them.) I cannot find these ANYWHERE in the parts list. Are these part of a mod? I am attempting to build my first space station. Just a small one for refueling on long journies, and just to say that I did it. Another quick question that I may just have to figure out on my own: Are geosynchronous orbits possible? Thank you everyone and glad to be here !!!
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