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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. @OrganicLife No problem. Your issue with pwings is that you have a version which has the plugin .dll file twice. Delete the existing procedural dynamics folder in GameData and replace with the one from the GameData folder here @gomker Unable to replicate the issue with either B9 Pwings (which is 0.40.7) or these PWings (which I should probably make an official release for 1.1.2...), logs, MM cache, etc. (and correct thread if we're actually discussing B9 PWings)
  2. Scroll down a bit to find where to get logs. I also would like to see the ModuleManager.cache file
  3. Scroll down to the bit about providing troubleshooting information. Primarily I want to see a log and ModuleManager.cache otherwise I have no idea what's happening
  4. @Malah was the one doing quick search, FE has never had any functionality of that type?
  5. Unity 5 probably did make everything much easier since they're using a single UI system, and it sounds like they rebuilt the editor views so the major annoyance *might* not exist anymore. Before you get hopeful abut any action on my part though, I must clarify that due to time constraints I'm having enough trouble keeping up with my released mods as it is and the mod might have to be started from scratch to take advantage of U5 changes (not that it was huge in the first place, primarily just the same thing repeated over and over and over and over...) Source is all there if someone wants to try again and I can always answer questions, but I don't expect I'll be doing anything experimental like that one in the near future
  6. How about I just fix it... (no idea where that one snuck in from...)
  7. Here's a quaternion which points at the navball target (I think that's what you're asking for) And yes, that does appear to be the line that rotates the eye IVA/EVA I dont know if there are any differences. Coordinate system in KSP is relatively simple so long as you think of a rocket on the launchpad. transform.up points towards space (vessel forward), .forward points towards the floor of the capsule (vessel down), .right is still out the right of the capsule (vessel right). unit vector magnitude == 1 metre. Any rotations you will be working with Quaternions but 90% of the time you can just use the helper functions without having to worry too much about how they work. That would generally about cover it I think
  8. The eye movement code for the MJ part is here. As far as I see it, you can pretty much copy that implementation for the rotation and add your rotation limitations as required
  9. If you don't have a MM cache then I think that is indicative of a major issue you need to resolve first (it is always generated, even with no other mods...). I do believe you aren't using the latest MM version, so if you could try again with MM v2.6.24 that would be helpful
  10. No idea why you're testing 1.1.1 but w/e. Need logs and MM cache for 1.1.2 failure
  11. I actually forgot that existed... I don't quite know what's going on with the heading thing. I haven't exactly spent a lot of time with this mod post 1.1 and I know there's atleast one issue that's going to be "fun" (feel the sarcasm just drip off that one) to track down. If you can possibly take a video of what you're doing that causes it to go to 90 degrees I could be a lot more helpful (and a log file never hurts)
  12. Then you probably want a ConfigNode to save to/load from rather than an explicit string, or you can explicitly modify the PartModules OnSave/Onload methods to save/load a list/array/custom class that KSP might not serialise by default [KSPField(isPersistent=true)] public ConfigNode myVars; // Somewhere else... // loading string[] stuff = myVars.GetValues(); foreach(string s in stuff) { // parse the strings saved however you like } //saving myVars.Clear(); // I think that's the right method. You almost certainly want to load it all in and then recreate the serialised node whenever you save. myVars.AddValue("key", "value"); // I don't normally bother with the key for fully custom stuff, just format the value with all the information you need
  13. Are you sure? Face the camera toward the tip of the wing and move the mouse up/down relative to the wing (lifting direction) with either T(ip) or B(ase) held and they should scale in that direction
  14. I'd have to double check this, but IIRC it matches the icon name, a second icon which is the first name + "_selected", and the name given to the subcategory (will double check that last bit later). It finds all uniquely named icons that are 32x32 in size to use as options so as long as it's not in PluginData you can put it anywhere EDIT I should probably make note of the more explicit version as well. Any nodes named as "FilterSetIcon" in GameData and having fields that look like "blah = <subcategoryName>=><iconName>" will explicitly set the icon to anything you want. Just note that these functions are probably limited to subcategories created by FE (ie. probably not "Filter by Module") unless I'm mis remembering Never mind that, I hit all of them after all
  15. Saving and loading Part based variables are relatively easy. Make a PartModule, add a string global variable, and tag it with KSPField attribute with "isPersistent=true" and "guiActiveEditor=true". That gives you a string on that part which is visible in the editor and will be the same value on the launchpad (after the modules .OnLoad method has run that is) To get the value back, you can either check it inside the module or get it from any other class in your project with: aVessel.parts.Modules.GetModule<MyModule>().stringVar
  16. So just out of curiosity, how are people using this mod? Building your own customised set of subcategories Using the "Default" set of categories and subcategories Using the "Stock Rework" set of categories and subcategories ... Any opinions on the distributed libraries? (I'm just randomly getting curious here...)
  17. Github is now open for testing
  18. Right, so I finally worked out my frustrations today are primarily down to an initialisation order oversight... SSRW v1.11.0 is out and functional (and less prone to future breakage I hope)
  19. Not mine, RPM is the one causing the issues (or rather mods that haven't updated to match RPM yet)
  20. The stock "Filter by Function" subcategories (the default ones you always see) work only on the part category field so they can only ever turn up in one subcategory in that category. The actual function of those parts is irrelevant. If the filtering method was changed, it would be possible to have parts in as many subcategories as you wanted (see FE or the stock resources tab)
  21. tl;dr A PartModule calling Destroy inside its awake function
  22. Mind testing this. I think I got it, but then again the random failure rate with this mod is just way too high...
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