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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. Point of discussion related to that: Should strategies impact on the cash advance you get on contracts at all? Being able to accept a large number of contracts and use that to generate science/rep doesn't seem like the most sensible inclusion (especially with most contracts having enourmous completion times so the likelyhood of failure is very low). Noted. I think the solution there is going to be spiking the buyin cost significantly (200k for full commitment really is too low now I think about it) plus a few other minor changes (such as the possible removal of cashing in on the advance). The idea of inverting the conversion ratio is certainly an interesting one and does make sense somewhat (basic market demand/supply), however it may be difficult to make that intuitive. Perhaps a constant rate is a better idea. EDIT A demonstration of how the output efficiency changes with each of the proposed/utilised conversion styles. Thoughts? Now that I'm looking at the right information (Looking only at conversion factors doesn't really give a very good picture in hindsight) a negative slope of about 30-40% strikes me as very attractive. The tradeoff between gains and efficiency means it isn't always better to increase your commitment (@30% falloff: 0->10% = +9.7% income, 45->55% = +7%, 90->100% = +4.3%)
  2. Currently they seem quite restricted, however the level of exploration of what can be achieved is so far limited to the 8 stock examples plus a few extra little bits and pieces so it is rather difficult to tell how expandable the system may be.
  3. I wouldn't follow too closely just yet, balancing requires a bit of time to settle down (especially when there is no particular example to work off: Tried using the contracts to establish the funds:science:rep ratio, but it just increased confusion due to wild variations...). On the subject of expansion, have you thought about tiered (probably the wrong word here. Strategies only only available at certain levels of reputation), and long term reward strategies (high upfront cost with bonus income to the same currency. Maybe even the inverse if the logic of the time constraints can be worked out: Instant currency with long term penalties, would require a minimum active time/number of launches/something of the like).
  4. All my minor mods are going into a single thread post-1.0 release. Please check my signature for the new thread (this one may be obsolete and not return) Stock strategies do not appear to have any sensible system behind their costs or modifiers. This creates illogical situations such as funds "value" being much greater than their true worth compared to science and reputation, and penalties exceeding bonuses under all but the most specific situations. Sane Strategies uses a simple logical framework to establish balance between the currency conversion strategies, and significantly changes the cost/reward balance across all stock strategies. 6 alternative "conversion" strategies are also included that exchange collection efficiency between currencies (instead of exchanging the currencies themselves). For example, you might get a 15% bonus on all funds earned from a mission, but your science returns are reduced by 20%. This can give some very different results than the stock style of strategies does so make sure you understand the difference and plan accordingly. Feedback is an essential part of development and all opinions are welcome. Current values can be viewed here (stock and modified values on seperate tabs) Downloads Kerbal Stuff - Curse License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Changelog: 0.42.1 * Fixed versioning file 0.42 * Resolved memory leak 0.4 release * An increase in the "value" of funds relative to the other currencies used to calculate conversion rates. * 6 new strategies that are similar to the originals but with noticeably different gameplay impact. Instead of trading one currency directly for another, you trade on collection efficiency. Increasing science collection efficiency at the cost of funds means the science you bring back is worth more, but funds rewards are reduced (bring back no science and you'll still get penalised, but there will be no reward. Plan carefully). * A review of startup capital required for each strategy to be more inline with the benefits associated with each option * Bundling of Mini-AVC and AVC support 0.4 experimental (don't update or delete the *_alt.cfg file if you're only looking for balance) Added 9 alternative contracts for feedback. Delete the *_alt.cfg file if you don't want to deal with them - 6 currency exchange alternatives (instead of exchanging one currency for another, reduced gains in one is rewarded with increased gains in another, eg. -5% funds income, +5% Science income) - Flight data recorder strategy - %Increase in launch costs, Flat income bonus on vessel recovery. The intention will be to have companies offer you cash in exchange for launching a vessel with a data recorder or something of the like. This strategy is very WIP and is only included for feedback. Using it will likely result in you recieving a large amount of money for doing nothing - AVC version checking support and miniAVC bundled 0.3 - Added total currency exchange display to currently selected strategy 0.2 - Changed Currency exchange model to increase value of low level commitment. Efficiency now decreases with increasing commitment (increasing commitment will still always result in increased output) - Increased buy in factor for Appreciation Campaign and Outsourced Research Strategies - Removed slider from Recovery Transponders strategy, effect is now constant +5% launch costs with a constant 100% recovery factor. Github Source This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
  5. 5) The group tag line is used atleast partially for creating mutually exclusive strategies. I have not tested if all the tags have to match, or if there is any significance to the basic/misc wording. Squad have used the effect CurrencyOperation (notably different from conversion) for the contracts from the operations division which I did not see noted. 6) Divide and subtract operations are not really logical inclusions as it is only duplicating functionality (adding a negative value, multiplying by a value less than 1)
  6. Or unlock rotation on the claw and align it post-grabbing
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