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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. They break apart during warp if they are decoupled/undocked. This ship is mostly for looks but does actually fly, you would just load a quick save you had before decoupling to take it somewhere. I don't know the Delta-V, I don't have any mods installed besides a hullcam mod for different camera angles sorry.
  2. The mast sits on a frame that is balanced in the center with rover wheels to keep it in place. The rover wheels hold onto and rotate around a ring made of small cubic octagonal struts. The inner one might be unnecessary, but I put it there just in case. Thrust is applied from the small engines to start rotation after it is decoupled.
  3. I must ask, how do you mod your Kerbal to have a bandanna, or is that edited in? :D

  4. I decided to make a ship close to the likes of Icarus 2 from the film Sunshine (2007) as best I could. 2774 Parts ~900 Tons 4 Launches All Stock Imgur Link If you would like to view it there. Craft Files Payload Front Section Mid Section Aft Engine Section
  5. Made this for fun, Thanks for lookin'. Hope this is the right place to post this :S
  6. I was just trying to get a fast escape velocity... Also I have no idea what that random explosion was at 56 seconds. Looked sort of like an anti aircraft round. And I use Fraps to record.
  7. Biggest successful rocket I have made so far. Watch it in action
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