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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. There are "recyclers" you can put on to keep ressources going for much longer. I believe the only non rec, is food. So you'll need either large quantities of it (although i think they live 30days without food?) or send supplies.
  2. I use this with KAS alot for Home bases, but i have two quick questions: 1) is it possible to add some form of container into the KAS compatible bays? 2) i've read here that you want to stay away from 100% rec, but for far away bases that seems counter-intuitive, theres that item in the game that only works in atmo, perhaps it could be modded into a greenhouse type that works only on planets? Just an idea.
  3. Oh man! KAS is indeed awesome! I'm totally disappointed that i can't drop magnets inside of docking ports to help me dock easier!
  4. Totally didn't realize there were more pages to this post, my probe crashed into mountains at 4.5k orbit It wasn't equatorial though, so YMMV.
  5. Gezz! So Farrings, Payload Shrounds, and Cargo Bays! Installed two of them to play with, was exactly what I was looking for, thanks! Already have the Canada arm mod installed, so this should be fun! Not only that, but my first time with the mystery goo i "reset" the containers thinking they'd be affected by re-entry... lol. It makes logical sense to me to want to somehow protect pieces of research, or equipment, from re-entry. Wouldn't want to contaminate Kerblin!
  6. Not sure what they're called exactly, so i found a photo ! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/1996_s72_Scott_EVA.jpg/618px-1996_s72_Scott_EVA.jpg As my spacecrafts get more intricate, i'm finding myself with a ship and a ton of stuff stuck onto the outside, like those old well traveled suitcases. Any plans for things like this? A mod? Hell, just knowing what they're called would be a good start! Storage bays? Container hubs? Sigh! Being able to "open" in space and collect parts for a space station, or just being able to wrap something with aerodynamic builds (maybe heat shields in the future) that separate after orbit would be really helpful!
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