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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This one is good too: http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ It shows WHEN it's a good time to launch as well.
  2. Is there any way to recover the fuel in a jettisoned stage in orbit? I have one of those orange jumbo-64 with lots of fuel left in it, but I couldn't land with it. Does it need to have a docking port on it to recover the fuel?
  3. Stuck in a crater on the Mun in a broken rover. It's a loooong walk to the base, so maybe a rescue mission is in order...
  4. Hi Cilph, first off, GREAT MOD! It adds so much to the gameplay. A couple of suggestions, the both have to do with the flight computer: Allow days in the time formats (e.g. 4d 12h 30m). I use this by setting the delay for a command so I can just warp up and then the flight computer will bring it out of warp when it's time. 108h doesn't work, maybe it's an overflow issue... An option to come out of warp when communications have been established. Have the flight computer back out of warp in steps if it's very high timewarp. Otherwise it overshoots. The X button to turn off the engine should add that command to the queue. The only other way I know to turn the engine off is to send a 0% throttle command for a few seconds. Considering you can't do anything when the ship is throttled up (save, exit, switch craft, timewarp), this it important to be able to do easily and (straight forward for people learning). When you cancel a burn command that's in progress, it should reset the throttle to 0%. Thanks again!
  5. I think we shouldn't ask for parts or other addon type content, we have a whole spaceport full of them and talented individuals to make them. Let's focus our requests for the dev on things that the community can't provide. Personally I would like to see multi-threading support, which would boost performance quite a bit.
  6. When using RemoteTech 2, put a couple of static solar panels on the ship. A couple of times I've launched and time-warped to the next maneuver only to find I forgot to extend the solar panels after launch so my batteries are dead (and thus the ship uncontrollable).
  7. Awesome, thanks Stone Blue! Do you know if Part Group & Filter works with 0.22? I think a filter by type is all I need...
  8. I sent him to Minmus too (my first encounter with a different world!), and I ran out of fuel just as I was doing the retro burn to enter orbit. So I figured instead of having him fly into deep space, I bailed him out and tried to RCS him to Minmus (I was really close), only to have him slam into the surface in a cloud of dust. I sent Bill to do the job and leave a memorial plaque for Jebediah, only to find him back on Kerbin space center awaiting his next mission! Clearly he's a god.
  9. Yes, that's the one! Nice, added those to the list (which I think it hidden since I edited it, until a mod approves it).
  10. I know there are lots of threads asking for what mods to use. I was wondering what mods are there that specifically makes it easier to build spacecrafts. That is, the mods are only used in the hangar. These seem to be the popular ones: [0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd - This is a welding tool to allow you to merge KSP parts together in order to reduce your part count and increase performance. [0.22] Kerbal Engineer Redux v0.6.1.4 - This plugin will allow you to view important statistics about your ship on the fly, whilst building it. [0.22] Editor Extensions - Editor Extensions – EdTools/Editor Tools replacement [0.22] RCS Build Aid v0.4 - Aid tool for balancing RCS thrusters around the centre of mass while building a rocket. [0.22] SelectRoot - Allows you to select a part on your vessel to become the new root part. As if you rebuilt your craft starting with that part. Best used with your favorite subassembly loader! [0.21] PartCatalog 2.0 - This mod allows you to dynamically categorize your parts by mods and further down the line by part type. All categorization is created dynamically based on your installed mods but everything is fully customizable in the editor. [0.??] AutoAsparagus - It moves parts (decouplers and sepratrons) into proper stages for asparagus staging, based on your fuel lines. It does not run the fuel lines for you. Anyone have any other suggestions?
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