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Everything posted by GoodSirMortimer

  1. Welcome! I like the flag. On a side note, is it working yet? If not, it might be the wrong format or in the wrong place. Mine is in GameData -> Squad -> Flags and it is a 256x160 PNG image, works just fine. Proof: http://imgur.com/WfhgmO0,yPFUehg,2nYT6xA#0
  2. One possibility is to edit your persistent file in your save. Having said that, it'd be pretty complicated due to the fact that the file keeps track of every part of the ship, along with all of it's co-ordinates and data about where and how it is connected to other parts. In short, it's a lot of data to sort through. If you choose to do this, I'd advise backing the persistent file up somewhere in case you accidentally break something. Another thing I've heard of, and what I'd recommend looking into before trying to edit the persistent file, is something called Hyperedit. I've never used it and so I'm not sure on it's scope, but it's probably worth looking into. Hopefully someone who has used it sees this and can better explain what it does.
  3. Haha, ask and you shall recieve! https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tv1kclxly1gxve/Exxon%20Valdez.craft As a warning, it's 507 parts off the launchpad. I'm not sure how that compares to most regular craft, but it's the highest part count I've done in a single craft and you might have framerate issues at launch. Also, once the purple light goes green and you can launch, the craft sort of "bounces" around a bit. As such, it is prone to blowing up before launch. I'd just recommend relaunching and hoping it doesn't blow up. It's meant to be a space station and refuelling platform. It is computer controlled with 2 hitch-hiker storage units for kerbal passengers. It carries 2 orange tanks worth of fuel, as well as some RCS fuel. Both times I've launched it I've had to refuel it once it got into orbit, as I've had to use that fuel getting it up there. It has 2 free docking ports, 2 extendable solar panels and various other bits and pieces It's difficult to fly but it can get into orbit. If you have trouble try sending me a PM and I'll see if I can help. Good luck!
  4. Welcome to the game and the forums, enjoy your stay. You'll get moving eventually, even if it is just sideways or in spirals. Eventually, you'll get to doing things like this! http://imgur.com/Ekdjblp Even if you probably shouldn't
  5. Granted, but a lack of understanding of what Blender3D is results in your hard drive being "imported" to an actual blender. I wish I knew how to create custom textures and models for plug ins Edit: Damn, beaten to the punch
  6. Banned for having a problem with circles.
  7. Whoo! Updates! I just got back to playing this game after finishing up all of my uni work. Tried to get back on the forums, but my account must've died during the Great Forum Purge of April 2013, where the brave accounts of the Forumland fought against the E-Kraken. That being said, I'm back now and looking forward to testing out the career mode. Keep up the great work Squad!
  8. Let me be the first to say welcome aboard Java! May there be many more successful missions in your future. On a side note, if you can get to Mun and back you could probably do the same for Minmus with the same craft. The lower gravity means you save a lot of fuel during the landing stage. Good luck!
  9. Not necessarily funny per se, but still a moment I wished I had recorded. A friend of mine, still new to the game, couldn't land on Mun. To find out whether he was lacking in the rocket designing department or the piloting one, he sent me his craft file for his most successful ship iteration. I got there in his ship but botched a bit of the burn and so it looked like I was going to run out of fuel before I landed. Sure enough, at an altitude of about 5 km, it became apparent I was going to run out of fuel. I used the rest of what I had reducing my horizontal velocity to as little as possible and then EVA'd Jeb. I managed to guide him down safely using the RCS jetpack for the rest of the fall, about 2 or 3 km if I remember correctly. So that's how I MacGyver'ed my way into safely landing a kerbal on Mun with a rocket that couldn't. Well, I say safely but in truth Jeb probably would've broken his legs if he had bones. I wished I had recorded it because I was pretty proud of managing that rescue. I've tried it once before, but the horizontal velocity was too high and the hapless kerbal turned to dust the minute he hit the surface
  10. Gold. As a student currently finishing up the second year of my aerospace engineering degree, I will find a way to put this in my next design report. On topic, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay.
  11. Ah yes, another day, another Jeb sacrificed under the altar that is scientific progress. My Jeb is imprisoned hanging out on the safety of my space station at the moment, so I don't kill him. Anyway, welcome to the forums Chatter, enjoy your stay!
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