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Orange Juice

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So, I've "finished" the interiors for Unity (node 1), Destiny (US lab), and Harmony/Tranquility (node 2/3). I have a .blend for node 1, so the members of this team can evaluate its quality. What is the best way to share it? It still needs uv mapping and texturing, and the handle placement is still crap (I put a little grab bag of handle sizes in the file for anyone who wants to figure out the strange handle arrangement aboard the ISS). Overall, though, the modeling is done. I put some hatches in there that can be moved around as one likes. Feel free to edit the model so as to make it compatible with the game engine. N.B. These models are kinda high-poly. Sorry about that :/
  2. I haven't forgotten about the interiors, just so everyone knows. Once I finish unity, things will get a LOT easier because I can simply re-use parts for Destiny, node 2/3, Columbus, JEM, etc. I don't know anything about KSP file formats so I will leave it up to you guys to texture them and convert them from a .blend into .mu. I'm trying not to get outrageous with the poly count, but a cap on triangles would help me. Also, I had sort of an epiphany as far as interiors go. I had entered a Mir module (kvant, i think) that had no interior, and I found myself looking at the other modules from the inside of my module- everything lined up and was visible. This means that if you made the interior visible here, you could let kerbals sit in the module and see into other modules all correct according to whatever configuration is chosen. This MIGHT be accomplished by modeling interiors as part of the modules' world models, and putting an animated hatch so that they are not visible normally. It's just a theory, but it might just work.
  3. I'm actually planning on making all my interiors to precise real-world proportions. I am using the ISS model lovingly provided by nasa as a sort of virtual scaffold for my interiors. It's going to be great. Keep in mind, though, that I'm not a programmer, and i'm using a mac, so I will have to send someone the .blend files for integration into KSP. I'm not so great at keeping my models low-poly (though I try to do it whenever possible) so I might need to modify them. Also, I'm only slightly skilled as far as making good UV-mapped textures. I'm not giving up though.
  4. found THE PERFECT interior reference. BTW, I'll be working on all the interiors for the whole station, although I don't know how to compile them so I will have to send someone a .blend for further refinement. The reference is http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/ISSRG/. I'm currently doing the unity interior, and will model interiors in the order of the modules' addition. Also, I had the idea of making the module external models have a (somewhat simplified) interior visible through "holes" in the sides. The hatches would be separate parts. I don't know if this would work, but I had the idea of making "windows" where the hatches are, so that when you crew manifest into one module, you are able to see the inside (from the world model) of the other module 'out the window'  thus creating the appearance of seamlessly joined interior. Would this work?
  5. http://cdn.flightglobal.com/VPP/Global/Flight/FG%20Club/In%20Focus/iss/ISS-2000.jpg http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/3d_resources/assets/iss-hi-res.html Some reference I found, hope it helps
  6. Hi! I'm really impressed by this project, and I'm wondering if I could be a part of it. I have some pretty good Blender skills, but I'm not a programmer. I had downloaded this mod along with the robot arms and soviet pack and I found that it had some issues, so I figured I would see what I can do to help. It's funny, since I had the exact same idea for fixing the arm (it really is quite useless) that involved disabling physics on grabbed objects. So, yeah. I'm a huge ISS fanatic so I am pretty knowledgable about it, and since I can use blender I was thinking I might help. If anything, I could work on modeling the interiors, although I'm not so good at texturing. I'm not experienced with modding, so it would be great if someone could help me with the scaling/model detail stuff. I really look forward to being able to complete this thing in orbit! Let me know if there is anything I can do. By the way, I don't know if anyone had mentioned this, but NASA has published an EXTREMELY detailed model of the ISS online. It's in a proprietary format (lightwave I think) so there are some conversion issues with blender, but if nothing else they could make great 3d reference.
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