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  1. My space program faced the exact same problem. He can be rescued! Our rescue mission sent up an empty capsule and Jeb performed an EVA to reach the fueled return vehicle. Good luck!
  2. Kerbals have only two stats: courage and stupidity. With loads of both, the Raven space program attempted to immediately put a kerbal in orbit, skipping basic space flight stepping stones such as unmanned rockets and satellites. SUCCESS! Jebediah Kerman is in orbit. Sadly, Jebediah burned up all his fuel getting there (not for lack of fuel, but due to bad flying). Jebediah looks trapped forever... ...but we will not give up so easily. New rocket designs are tested. Satellites are launched and achieving orbit is perfected. EVA maneuvers are practiced. Thanks to the engineers at NovaPunch, remote guidance systems are developed. An unmanned one-kerbal capsule is launched into orbit. With delicate precision the rescue ship is maneuvered from ground control, and to the great surprise of all, suddenly the two ships are within 250m of each other! Jebediah exits his spacecraft to perform an EVA to his return vessel. Floating 100m from either ship, he prays that his first EVA is successful. Moments later he is crawling in the hatch of a fueled spaceship. A short burn and nerve-wracking re-entry later, and the mission is a success! Jebediah is home safely. ------------ Real life notes: I have been playing this game for days straight and having a blast (ha!). It took me at least half a day to design and execute the rescue mission. Flying this mission got my heart pounding!
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