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Everything posted by Morganov

  1. I think it goes without saying that KSP rocks and is hugely important to PC gaming and indeed gaming in general (Sorry Xbone and PS4 no KSP for you). I just played the game recently and felt compelled to put my feelings into words. Hope you guys feel the same way! Check out my (Rather embarrassingly impassioned) review: 'You may have studied it in Physics lessons or dreamt about it after an episode of Star Trek, but that starry expanse has never quite felt as vivid or captivating as this before. It may be a stretch for some, but trust me when I say that with a little perseverance and a grand spirit for adventure, Kerbal Space Program can take you into realms of your imagination you never thought possible through this, our humble medium.' http://tonnochi.blogspot.com/2013/11/to-go-boldly.html And remember, we choose to go to the Mun not because it is easy, but because it is hard!
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