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Everything posted by endron

  1. Hello, I have tried to install KW Rocketry and I have failed several times. On my other computer it works perfectly fine but on my notebook an issue appears. I extract KW Rocketry folder into GameDate folder and merge it with Squad folder. Problem is that engines don't appear in game neither in sandbox or career mode. Other parts work perfectly fine. Is there any solution for this problem yet? Cheers
  2. Yeah I have also figured out that my RAM can possibly be the issue. I have 32 bit Windows XP and theoretically 4 GB rams but afaik 32 XP doesn't support more then 3.smth RAM memory. I have just enabled PAE but idk if it really works. This is my first mode so i think it shouldn't be too much to handle. Thanks I have already thought about downloading reduced pack but haven't really thought about lowering textures resolution.
  3. I'm totally new to KSP but I have already tried installing this mod. I download the package, save it onto deskop and unpack KWRocketry folder into GameDate folder right next to Squad folder, am I doing it correctly? When I start game it loads and starts but when I load my save and go to either hangar textures are messed up or game crashes. What should I do ?
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